Sergei, the Peacekeeper & Mayvin, the Explorer
Warp to Pendrago and speak with Sergei outside the Knight’s Tower for a scene to obtain Sorey’s “Divine Wrath” Mystic Arte and the Pompadour fashion item. Head back to the plaza and speak to a man outside the Inn to learn about a woman poet by the name of Mayvin.
Warp to the Trizolde Cave entrance from Zaphgott Moor. You can now enter the cave and take the southeast path at the first split to find a seraph for a scene to obtain Sorey’s Shepherd’s Outfit: Alt. Color and then return to a save for the skit The Truth Behind Mayvin .
Head to the tomb in Trizolde Cave to hear the story of the woman named Mayvin (left) and then return to a save for a skit (right).
Katz Korner
Warp to the Inn and rest for the skits Sauna Chat: Men’s Angle and Sauna Chat: Ladies’ Angle and then head to the exclamation point in the Ladylake Noble’s District to find a cat being harassed by a bunch of children.
After saving the katz you’ll be invited to Katz Korner, but first you need proof that you’re a relative of a regular customer. Provided you grabbed Gramps’ Pipe back from the shelf in Elysia you can speak to the katz again to enter Katz Korner.
Rest at the Inn for some sauna skits, a mandatory for JRPGs (left) and then head to the alley near Alisha’s to find a katz (right).
Pick up the Red Chamomile by the bridge to the west and the Kitty Cap in the large gold chest to the east. Cross the bridge to the northeast and check the Tiger-Striped Foxtails for the Foxtail Soup? skit and if you talk to the katz nearby they’ll allow you to rewatch any skits or animated cutscenes.
Whatever you choose to do here, just be careful about approaching the Dark Turtlez to the west because a scene will trigger with a powerful foe:
Boss: Dark Turtlez¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
88,888 | Crustacean | None | None |
Drops: **Autumn Blade x2** |
This is one of the hardest bosses in the game due to his speed and ability to stunlock a character in a combo until they are dead. Hopefully you have maxed out your Blast Gauge before heading engaging in this fight, since you will want to spam your Mystic Artes as much as possible, but staying away from the Dark Turtlez is the most important part of this fight.
Armatize with Mikleo and use Trinity Arrow to exploit the boss’ weakness and allow your allies to leech off the Power Hits combo. It’s likely that your allies will die multiple times in this fight, but this fight isn’t about getting a good grade score.
The one thing you don’t want is to be the last character alive and get hit with the Dark Turtlez Mystic Arte, so try and use Life Bottles when the Dark Turtlez is below half health and likely to use his Mystic Arte. Keep up the attack and you’ll eventually dwindle his health to zero to finish this battle.
Armatize with Mikleo and use Trinity Arrow from a distance (left) to avoid the Dark Turtlez Mystic Arte (right).
If you choose to defeat the Dark Turtlez you’ll get another scene and obtain the Square Glasses , but this is hard to do at this point in the game.
A Rose in Bloom & Scattered Bones Business
Return to Ladylake and head to the area outside the Vivia Subterranean Aqueduct for a scene and then warp to Griflet Bridge in Falkewin Hillside.
Depending on which warp you head to you may need to cross the bridge to find some of the members of the Sparrowfeathers to find out who is behind the death of the children. You can now warp to Dumnonia Museum in Marlind for a scene and fight.
Boss: Orc Kong x2¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
32,531 | Therian | Wind | Neutral, Fire, Earth |
Drops: **Anomalous Orb** |
Armatize with Zaveid to exploit the enemy’s weakness and try and keep them in a Power Hits combo to stagger them and prevent them from unleashing their powerful attacks. Keep them grouped together, if possible, and use artes that have a wide range of attack by holding right on the analog stick, but don’t be afraid to sidestep and move out of the way of the boss’ highly telegraphed attacks as needed.
Keep your HP high and this fight should be over fairly quickly with a good Mystic Arte while armatized with the Power Hits combo active.
Armatize with Zaveid to perform a Power Hits combo, that hopefully hits both targets, but back up and heal with the Blast Gauge if needed.
Return to Tintagel Ruins and exit the hideout for a scene to obtain Rose’s Sparrowfeather Girl outfit and then head south to the save for the skit One More Thing to Say .
Zaveid’s Past
Warp to the center of the Great Camelot Bridge and speak to the merchant to learn about the Legendary Wyvern and then head to Plitzerback Wetland. Make your way to the center of the Wetlands to find a new optional boss to the northeast.
Boss: Legendary Wyvern¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
29,030 | Dragon/Beast/Armored | None | Fire, Earth, Water |
Drops: **Anomalous Orb** |
This boss doesn’t have any elemental weaknesses and there is a 35% chance that any wind damage will be reduced to 1, so you’ll want to stick to the category weaknesses to exploit the wyvern and allow you to perform a Power Hits combo.
Armatize with Mikleo to keep your distance and use Six Falling Star to lay into the wyvern before unleashing a Mystic Arte. Watch out for the boss’ flame breath attack, which is highly telegraphed by covering his face with his wings, and sidestep or guard and his Shadow Eye ability, which is an aoe attack that does massive damage.
Since Wind damage has a chance of being reduced to 1, see the damage in the left image, it is best to armatize with Mikleo and focus on the Dragon category (right).
After the scene the skit Is Zaveid Hiding Something? will automatically trigger and you’ll obtain Zaveid’s “Heaven or Hell” Mystic Arte and Young Dark Wind outfit.
If this is your final Anomalous Orb you’ll also obtain the Mini-Ludger fashion item, if you are on PlayStation 4, and the A Job Well Done skit at the next save.
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