Approach the Platinum Knights and then rest at the Inn for the Rose’s Business Idea skit before heading to the Knight’s Tower for another scene.
Head for the Pendrago Shrinechurch and make your way to the objective markers for a scene and then enter the next room and read examine the stone monolith to discover The Sacred Inscriptions , followed by a skit of the same name. You can now enter the hall behind the monolith to access the depth of the church.
Head to the back of the Shrinechurch for a scene (left) and the Sacred Inscriptions discovery (right).
Check the altar for the Red Iris Gem: Tva to automatically trigger a scene and the skit Watching the Earthen Historia - 7 (Dezel) and gain Lailah’s “Tortured Soul” title and then grab the Small Red Tablet and then exit the west door.
- Follow the west path to a Monolith
- Head east and take the second southern path to a red door
- Head west and take the first southern path to a red door into a new area
- Head south to a split and continue south to a red door
- Head east to the save for the skit Sorey’s Take on Rose’s Take
Make your way through the previously locked door to the save for a skit.
- Head west and follow the southern path to a red door
- Pick up the S mall Yellow Table t and exit to the east
- Head east and take the first northern path and then head east and take the second northern path to a yellow door
- Pick up the Small Blue Tablet and exit to the north into a new area
- Follow the path to the north to a blue door
- Follow the path north and then head south and take the first western path to a blue door with a Panacea Bottle , Angelite , and Lavender
Head through the blue door for multiple items, including Dezel’s Angelite weapon.
- Head west and then south to a red door
- Head west and then north to a yellow door with a Chiffon Cake and Resistance Shoes
- Head west and take the final southern path to a blue door
- Pick up the Small Green Tablet and exit to the south
- Follow the path south to a yellow door with the Hanging Hair (right) fashion item and a Peach Gel and exit south
- Head east and then north and take the first eastern path to the save
With all four elemental tablets you can now open the door and enter for a scene.
Return to the save and enter Medusa’s lair to find Sergei’s brother, turned to stone.
Boss: Medusa¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
20,195 | Apodous/Fiend | Wind | Earth, Water |
Drops: **Blessing Orb** |
Since Cardinal Forton is a Medusa type enemy you’ll need to watch out for her Gorgon’s Eye attack that will turn you to stone. Unfortunately, Panacea Bottles don’t work on petrification and the only way out of it is death to the character whom is turned to stone.
The good news is that Dezel is immune to petrification in both normal form and when armatized, so you’ll want to armatize with him right away to make half your party immune and exploit the enemy’s weakness. There isn’t much strategy beyond this, so keep up your attacks to try and keep Medusa occupied and away from your other party members.
Armatize with Dezel to avoid petrification from Medusa’s Gorgon’s Eye ability.
After the scene you’ll obtain Rose’s “Assassin” title and Dezel’s “Shadow Seeker” title and can check the back of the room for The Crest of Maotelus discovery, followed by the skit of the same name.
Head back toward the petrified individuals for the skit The Statue Victims and then exit the room and watch the Maotelus Vanishes skit at the save.
Check the victims of Medusa and the save outside the boss room for a skit.
You can now follow these directions to exit the church:
- Head west and follow the southern path to a red door and exit to the east
- Follow the path east to a blue door with the normin Flaym
- Follow the path south and take the first northern path to a yellow door
- Head north to a red door into a new area
- Head north to a blue door
- Follow the path north and take the eastern path to a green door with a Peach Gel and Kingly Waistcoat
- Head west to a green door and exit north to return to the main area of the church
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