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Crucibles are arena battles in which one or more characters will take on waves of enemies in the hopes of removing the malevolence.

Malevolent Crucible: Sanjiva

Location: Meadow of Triumph

Enemy HP Category Weakness Resistance
Slime x3 223 Amorphous - -
Wolf x2 447 Beast - -
Snake x2 395 Apodous - -
Lamia x2 1050 Apodous Wind Earth
Treant 1975 Apodous Fire Earth
Harpy x2 1147 Winged Water Wind
Centipede x3 310 Crustacean - -
Snake x3 395 Apodous - -
Brutaur x2 2480 Beast Fire Water
Slime x5 223 Amorphous - -
Wolf x4 447 Beast - -
Scaled Bird 3022 Winged Wind Fire
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Malevolent Crucible: Kalasutra

Location: Pearloats Pasture

Enemy HP Category Weakness Resistance
Orc Farmer x3 2264 Therian Water Earth
Lizardmen x2 1086 Armored Water -
Serpent x3 1385 Apodous Wind Earth
Leech x5 317 Amorphous - c-
Pixie x2 979 Fiend Earth Water
Serpent x2 1385 Apodous Wind Earth
Skunk x3 1800 Beast Wind Earth
Peacock x2 1550 Winged Fire Water
Octopus x3 524 Amorphous Fire -
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Malevolent Crucible: Samghata

Location: Biroclef Ridge

Enemy HP Category Weakness Resistance
Scorpion x5 808 Crustacean Wind -
Dusk Bat x2 1033 Winged - Earth
Plantus x3 1442 Apodus - -
Skeleton x4 1421 Undead Wind Neutral, Earth
Armored Centipede x2 1866 Crustacean Earth Neutral
Scorpion 808 Crustacean Wind -
Geo Roller x2 1782 Crustacean/Beast - Earth
War Tiger 3980 Therian - Neutral
Plantus x2 1442 Apodus - -
Blazen Wolf x3 2958 Beast Water Earth, Wind
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Malevolent Crucible: Raurava

Location: Aifread’s Hunting Ground

Enemy HP Category Weakness Resistance
Werewolf x3 2016 Therian Neutral Wind
Wolf Heddin x3 774 Undead/Beast Fire -
Living Armor x2 2868 Armored/Undead Earth, Wind -
Wraith x2 1866 Undead/Amorphous Fire Water
Aged Treant x2 2788 Apodous - Wind
Dumpus x2 3721 Amorphous Earth Water
Troll 5027 Therian Fire Neutral
Undead Magician x2 1091 Undead Neutral, Earth -
Werewolf x4 2016 Therian Neutral Wind
Wolf Heddin x4 774 Undead/Beast Fire -
Living Armor x2 2868 Armored/Undead Earth, Wind -
Troll x2 5027 Therian Fire Neutral
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Malevolent Crucible: Maharaurava

Location: Westronbolt Gorge

Enemy HP Category Weakness Resistance
Orb-weaver x3 2411 Crustacean Earth Fire, Wind
Goblin Shooter x4 1214 Armored/Therian Earth -
Mud Slime x4 2837 Amorphous Wind Fire, Water
Leecher Leech x4 1431 Amorphous Earth -
Scorpstar x2 2477 Crustacean Wind Neutral, Water
Orc Groomer 4094 Therian - Earth
Wild Boar 4154 Beast Wind Earth
Rock Giant 5233 Armored Wind Fire
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Malevolent Crucible: Tapana

Location: Zaphgott Moor

Enemy HP Category Weakness Resistance
Elephant x3 7736 Beast Wind Neutral, Earth
Darken Eye x4 3137 Amorphous Earth Wind
Variant Needler x6 3606 Crustacean Wind Earth, Water
Bladebeak x4 5497 Winged Earth Wind
Black Bird x3 4047 Winged Earth Neutral, Wind
Bloodsucker x9 2286 Amorphous Wind Fire, Water
Cyclopz 6405 Therian - Fire, Water
Lizard Priest x4 2430 Armored Neutral Water, Wind
Black Bird x3 4047 Winged Earth Neutral, Wind
Elephant x2 7736 Beast Wind Neutral, Earth
Lizard Priest x3 2430 Armored Neutral Water, Wind
Cyclopz x2 6405 Therian - Fire, Water
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Malevolent Crucible: Pratapana

Location: Plizerback Wetland

Enemy HP Category Weakness Resistance
Devil x2 3625 Fiend/Winged Neutral Wind
Lycanthrope x5 5759 Therian Fire Earth, Wind
Saber-toothed Tiger x3 5865 Therian Neutral Earth, Water
Scylla x3 3877 Fiend Earth Fire, Wind
Hundrepede x5 2622 Crustacean Fire Earth, Wind
Duobomb x3 3971 Beast Water Earth
Undead Sorcerer x3 5309 Undead Fire Earth, Wind
Saber-toothed Tiger x3 5865 Therian Neutral Earth, Water
Devil x2 3625 Fiend/Winged Neutral Wind
Hundrepede x4 2622 Crustacean Fire Earth, Wind
Stone Colossal x2 7284 Armored Wind Earth, Water
Scylla x3 3877 Fiend Earth Fire, Wind
Undead Sorcerer x2 5309 Undead Fire Earth, Wind
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Malevolent Crucible: Avici

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 November 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Stephanie Barnes

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Tales of Zestiria takes place on the continent of Glenwood, which is governed over by two warring counties. Through the hatred of man an impurity known as “malevolence” is generated and all living things on the continent are turned into beasts known as Hellions. Humans live unaware of the corruption caused by the Lord of Calamity and the hidden race known as the Seraphim.

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