Gaferis Ruins
Speak to the guard to learn that Mayvin has already left and then take either staircase down. Make your way to where the Opened Sarcophagus is and then head south and check the western wall to spot three yellow diamonds, where you can use Edna’s map action to reveal a path upstairs.
Reveal the hidden path via the yellow diamonds to head upstairs to a new area.
Head east from the first room to a dead end with a Garish Pink Shirt and then head back to the west and Wind Rush through the bars. The door to the south leads to a room with 4250 gald and a Holy Bottle while the northern path leads to a Lavender .
Check the wall to the east for another location to use Edna’s map action and take the stairs down to find the Normin Mirag . You can now take the stairs down again and head north to Wind Rush through some bars for 4800 gald and a Sharpened Needle and then continue west to a save.
Recruit the Normin Mirag on the way downstairs (left) and then Wind Rush through the bars to the north for two chests (right).
Use Edna’s map action on the western wall and pick up the Purple Iris Gem: Ek to automatically trigger a scene and the skit Watching the Earthen Historia - 8 (Dezel) , gaining the Swordsman’s Eyepatch as well.
Boss: Serket¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
12,969 | Crustacean/Undead | Neutral, Earth | Fire, Water, Wind |
Drops: **Anomalous Orb** |
Serket is weak to Earth and neutral attacks, so you can choose to attack from human form or armatize with Edna to do massive damage. Don’t attack from the front, as both the claws and the tail of this boss can attack you from this position and keep the Power Hit combo going to increase your damage over time.
Watch out for the spells Strength Regression and Aqua Serpent, both of which will almost certainly kill anyone standing in front of it, and you shouldn’t have too much trouble with this fight.
Armatize with Edna to exploit the boss’ weakness while being mindful of its spells.
Malory, the Patinal Forest
Take the northwest path to where you found the yummy bunnies and then break the boulder to the south to access a new area with a Vellum in the southwest corner. Break the boulder to the east blocking some Resistance Shoes and then head north a bit and break another boulder to Wind Rush back to the entrance. You can now head to the northeast corner of this area to exit to the next section.
Head south to a boulder on the west blocking 5500 gald and a Dark Bottle and then cross to the east side of the area to find another boulder leading to the save and a Cheesecake .
Break through the boulder along the west path (left) to collect two chests (right).
Boss: King Peacock¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
13,127 | Winged | None | Neutral, Earth, Wind |
Drops: **Anomalous Orb** , **Peacock Feathers** |
With no weakness you’ll have to focus on the winged category to create Power Hit combos, so stick to Sorey’s Trihawk and Frigid Moon martial artes and bring in Lailah and Mikleo for this fight. Armatize with Lailah is you want close quarters combat and use her Burning Wings martial arte or armatize with Mikleo to fight at a distance while spamming Blistering Fangs.
Either way, the King Peacock is fast with its attack and can quickly move around the arena to avoid long casting seraphic artes. Keep the pressure on, but don’t be afraid to block when he jumps in the air to spin at you or do a beak combo.
Use Sorey’s martial artes on the Peacock (left), but be careful of its fast and dangerous attacks (right).
Head west to a Monolith and then continue to a locked chest and Poison Ward before leaving the forest.
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