Warp to Ladylake and rest at the Inn for the skits The Dragonslayer’s Duty and Sorey and Rose’s Determination and then make your way to Aroundight Forest for a scene just a few steps inside for a scene.
If you visited the area previously to clear out the treasure you won’t need to explore this area much, so follow the path to the southeast to find a Souffle in a chest and look for the glowing lizard-like creature with a staff.
Boss: Demon Rodler¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
17,103 | Undead | None | All |
Drops: **Anomalous Orb** |
Yes, they are resistant to everything! The good news is that resistant or not you can still exploit the boss’ category weakness with Sorey’s Phantasm Flash martial arte and Runic Circle hidden arte.
The bad news is that this boss teleports whenever he gets under attack and isn’t staggered and his Impact Wave attack, which will shoot out in a cone sharp in front of him, can take out a character at full health. Your only option are to sidestep whenever you see the boss raise his staff or armatize with Mikleo and attack from a distance with Shattered Deluge.
If you find yourself in hot water due to Impact Wave (left) you can always armatize with Mikleo and attack from a distance (right).
After you defeat the boss you are cleared to leave the forest by following the fairly linear path to a scene and then enter Elysia.
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