The moor is very large and although your destination is Lohgrin there is plenty of other things to do here.
Start by activating the save to the south and then look slightly southwest to spot the cylindrical stone pillar and head toward it. Check the north side of the pillar for a Red Rosemary and then continue west to find the Quartz Paper to the south of the soldiers.
Head south to another large stone pillar to grab the Red Saffron on its north side and then run directly west to find a Roll Cake in a chest surrounded by some rocks and flowers. Continue north to find a Monolith and then follow the northern wall west for a Red Verbena nearby.
There’s a chest hidden among the flowers to grab (left) and just north of that is a Monolith (right).
You can now head west to the town of Horsa to find an optional boss.
Boss: Stheno¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
23,269 | Apodous/Fiend | None | Earth, Water |
Drops: **None** |
A medusa-class enemy, Stheno has the ability to petrify your characters and the only way to be immune, without Dezel, is to stack a skill six times. Rather than doing this, focus on guarding or using sidestep to avoid Gorgon’s Gaze to prevent petrification or allow your character to die and then armatize with a seraph to revive them.
Since Stheno has no elemental weakness you’ll want to focus on her category weaknesses by using Sorey’s Freezing Strike and Starfall martial artes in combination with his Crimson Edge hidden arte.
Since armatizing will cause you to have less characters on the battlefield, decreasing the number of attacks coming in during a Power Hit combo and the number of targets for Stheno to use Gorgon’s Gaze on, it’s probably best to not armatize unless you need to in a critical situation to heal.
When Stheno reaches less than half HP she’ll begin to use Screw Driver, charging forward to do damage to anyone in her path, and when she is down to about 10% HP she’ll start using Gorgon’s Frenzy, a laser beam version of Gorgon’s Gaze.
Keep up the combo and make sure to sidestep around her whenever she isn’t in a Power Hits combo and you should be okay, even if you die a few times from petrification and need to armatize to revive yourself.
Use Sorey’s artes to exploit Stheno’s category weakness (left), but be careful of Gorgon’s Gaze when she reaches low health (right).
After the scene pick up the Green Iris Gem: Drei to automatically trigger a scene and the skit Watching the Earthen Historia - 11 and then head for the save for the skit Sorey’s Struggle (Zaveid Joins In) to obtain Elf Ears .
Head south from the town toward the water and circle around its east side to examine the water for the Oasis of the Wild discovery, followed by the Oh, Oasis! skit, and then make your way west toward the ridge.
Hug the east wall of the ridge as you make your way north to find the normin Plaite in some cactus plants and then continue north to reach the Malevolent Crucible: Tapana , which you can complete for a Reflex Vest and the Team Shepherd’s Victory .
Choose a seraph teammate to take on the Shepherd’s Malevolent Crucible with.
You can now grab the All-Divide near the crucible and head south along the wall of the moor to reach the South Oasis save and then continue east along the wall to find an Animalia Ring and Quartz Waistcoat .
Return to the Great Camelot Bridge entrance to orient yourself and then head west to reach the soldiers again. Follow the western wall north to collect a Red Lavende r in a dead end and then continue north along the wall to find a Grape Gel and Red Sage in the northwest corner.
Return north of the soldiers to explore the rest of the moor for additional items.
You can now make your way east to the first split and then north, following it to a broken tower. This is the town of Lohgrin, your destination, but instead of entering the tower head south to find a Red Chamomile hiding in the rocks and flowers.
Backtrack to the split and head south to a four-way split and take the southwest path to a Mango Sorbet and the Cactus Flowers discovery and then watch the Every Rose Has Its Thorn skit.
Take the southwest path at the four-way split to reach the cactus discovery.
You can now head back to the four-way split and head east this time to find a Quartz Sword on the south wall, a Red Saffron on the north wall, and a Monolith .
Backtrack to the four-way split again and take the northeast path to another split and then head north to a fortress wall. Check the east side of the wall to find the Normin Anther and then continue east to a chest with a Dark Bottle . You can now head south and then east to a save near the entrance to Trizolde Cave.
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