The following sections cover the optional content and areas that you can progress/complete at this point.
The Forton Sisters & The Lovers
Warp to the Rolance Army’s camp and head north to the abandoned town of Forton to speak with the guard standing outside for a scene. Stheno and Euryale are the exact same entries in the Enemy Book, meaning they are fairly weaker than you, and they can be handled the same way as before.
Boss: Stheno / Euryale¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
23,269 / 27,767 | Apodous/Fiend | Wind | Earth, Water / Fire, Water, Wind |
Drops: **None** |
Focus on Stheno first, she’s the darker of the two, and use Sorey’s Freezing Strike and Starfall martial artes or his Crimson Edge hidden arte to exploit their weakness. Remember that you need to guard or sidestep Gorgon’s Gaze to avoid petrification and when they reach low health they’ll start using Gorgon’s Frenzy and Gorgon’s Hold.
Focus on the weaker of the two sisters first, Stheno (left), and guard to avoid petrification (right).
After the scene you’ll obtain the Angel Halo and can head to the nearby save for the Destiny skit. You can now make your way east to where you fought Tiamat and then head down the sand to find another another boss roaming the field.
Boss: Dragon Warlock¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
36,361 | Armored/Dragon | None | Fire, Earth, Water, Wind |
Drops: **Anomalous Orb** |
Although this isn’t a full blown dragon like Tiamat the Dragon Warlock has speed on its side and can take out a character in a few hits. You’ll want to keep your distance, giving you plenty of time to block if the boss targets you, so armatize with Mikleo and use his Six Falling Stars martial artes to start a Power Hits combo.
Save your Blast Gauge for Mystic Artes and healing your allies, who will usually go in and get themselves killed, and you should finish the fight with only a few deaths.
The Dragon Warlock is extremely powerful, with hits that can devastate your party (left). Keep your distance and armatize with Mikleo to exploit its weakness (right).
The skit The Dragon Warlock will trigger automatically after the fight and then you can head southeast to a dead end with a save and the Horses Returned to Nature discovery, followed by the skit Strays on the Battlefield .
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