Warp to the Morgause, Shrine of the Earth Trial and head to the objective marker.
Boss: Heldalf (2)¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
52,340 | Unknown | Earth | Neutral |
Drops: **None** |
Heldalf is powerful and fighting him face to face is a quick way to get yourself killed, since the majority of his attacks are short range claw attacks. Stick to fighting him from behind or sidestep him when he goes in for the attack and armatize with Edna to exploit his weakness. In no time you should whittle away enough health to trigger a cutscene.
In the second stage you’ll want to focus on guarding and evading Heldalf’s attacks rather than fighting until another scene occurs and then you’ll need to actually fight him again.
Armatize with Lailah and focus on performing a combo and then sidestep to avoid Heldalf’s counter attacks that follow. Don’t be afraid to back up and use Lailah’s powerful seraphic artes and keep up your HP until you trigger another scene.
In the second stage, with only Lailah, you need to focus on defense (left). After another scene you can then attack Heldalf to finish him off (right).
Once the party decides their next destination you can head to any town and rest at the Inn for the skit Symonne, the Seraph .
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