Follow the rude guard to a room on the western side of the palace and then head to the bookcase near Mikleo to discover the Rountabel Palace Bookshelves to obtain Sorey’s Curious Cat title, followed by watching the The Palace Library skit. You can now talk to everyone in the room, including the guard, to advance the story.
Check the bookshelf for a discovery and skit and speak to everyone to continue.
Follow the guard again to meet with Chancellor Bartlow in the main hall for a long scene. After rejecting Bartlow’s offer you’ll engage in combat against some of the guards and then another scene will occur. After this you can finally enter some of the rooms in the palace for items, while engaging the guards despite earlier comments.
Meet with the Chancellor to listen to their vile proposition and disrespect for Alisha.
Head to the eastern section of the palace and check the rooms to find a Soft-Serve Ice Cream , Chocolate Gelato , and Life Bottle and then return to the western wing. There isn’t anything in the rooms, so follow The Scattered Bones to the room at the end of the hall to reveal a secret passage, but make sure to check the pot next to the lever for a Rosemary before leaving the palace.
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