Enter Lohgrin for a scene and then watch the skit The Storyteller of Time before you head toward the purple star in the northeast for another scene. Head through the nearby door to find the Normin Faira in the corner and then speak with the Turtlez to purchase the Adventure Map: Western Region for 600 gald.
Recruit the Normin and purchase the Turtlez map on the northern side of the tower.
There’s nothing else back here except a gold chest that you can’t open, so return to the main area and to check out the Equipment Shop.
Check the area between the Equipment Shop and the Inn for the Curious Doll Statuette discovery and watch the skit A Peculiar Folkcraft that follows and then rest at the Inn for the skits World Full of Secrets and The Wisdom of the Cactus (you must order Sauteed Cactus).
You might recognize the Teepo-like doll discovery (left) and then rest at the Inn for additional skits (right).
Check the tent on the south side of the area to find the Normin Urth and then speak to the remaining people with exclamation points for sub-event information.
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