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No Rest for the Wicked

All Weapons List & Weapon Types

Craig Robinson
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There are a variety of weapons in No Rest For The Wicked with each one offering different runes, playstyles, damage, stamina cost and focus gain. There will be a weapon type, and more specifically unique weapons standing out among the rest of the crowd. This guide aims to help you learn about all the weapon types in No Rest For The Wicked, helping you spot all the weapons we are aware of, and when and where you can expect them to drop.

Every Weapon and their Types

The weapons listed below are based on the earliest tier roll we have seen on them. The attributes required on the weapon may be slightly different, depending on the tier they dropped at. This is one of the reasons why we haven’t included energy cost, damage, or focus gain since those stats are affected by tier and level of the drop. The general idea is to give you an idea of what weapons exist in the game, which weapon drops you want for your attribute build, and the types of runes you can expect to encounter on those weapons.

You can get an idea of drop locations based on their tier. If it’s Tier 1, it’s an early game drop you can pick up. Mid tier comes from the Nameless Pass, and Tier 3 are typically end game, craftables, or crucible pickups.

We’ll gradually update this page with more weapons as and when we confirm more items in the game. All weapons listed below are confirmed lootable and craftable as of the launch of the game in early access.

Table of Contents:

All One-Handed Weapon Types

Here’s a look at all the one-handed weapons, ranging from swords to maces, rapiers, katanas and more. Image via Moon Studios.

One handed weapons are often fairly medium to fast attack weapons, often equipped alongside a shield or a bow. There are different styles of one handed weapons, ranging from swords, with different attack patterns. Knives tend to be the closer range but fastest of the lot, while katanas offer another agile and fast style. If you want more range, try other one handed spears.


Knives are often the fastest one handed weapons in the game. They operate like daggers with backstabbing focus damage, but, you can use a shield and trade some offense for more defense.

Weapon Name Tier Runes Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
A Singular Purpose 1 Fierce Dash 0 11 11 0
Butcher’s Work 3 (Crafted) Wild Rush 26 26 0 0
Hunters Blade 1 Piercing Dash 0 13 0 0
Jacknife 3 Frost Dash 0 42 0 0
Midnight Blade 2 (Legendary) Lightning Sweep, Blink, Piercing Dodge, Electric Enchantment 0 16 0 16

All One-Handed Straight Swords

Straight swords are your standard one handed weapon that offer clean and consistant swinging, jabbing and thrusting type attacks. These weapons typically come with some form of fighter style combat, with the opportunity to use Thorn runes, throws, crowd control type strike or some form of enchantment for bonus damage,m which is very hand against bosses.

Weapon Name Tier Runes Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Azure Blade 1 Heat Enchantment 11 0 11 0
Blood Rusted Sword 1 Spin 10 0 0 0
Falstad’s Fury 3 (Legendary) Triple Swipe, Kick Slash, Crushing Dash, Damage Surge 22 0 0 22
Governor’s Sword 3 Slamdown 42 0 0 0
Nith Blade 2 Slashing Dodge 16 0 16 0
Spirit Edge 3 (Crafted) Evasive Strike 0 0 0 42
Wooden Sword 1 Jump Cut 10 0 0 0

All One-Handed Curved Swords

Curved swords are very similar to straight sword, albeit their swiping attacks tend to be faster and much deadlier, at the cost of weaker thrust and range on the attacks.

Weapon Name Tier Runes Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Cerulean Blade 3 Slashing Flurry 26 0 26 0
Filleter 3 (Crafted) Lightning Spin 0 0 42 0
Risen Sword 2 Ice Throw 0 0 22 0
Rusty Khopesh 3 (Crafted) Kick Slash 42 0 0 0
Talwar 3 Fire Whirl 26 26 0 0

All One-Handed Katanas

Katanas are weapons that often focus on magic runes, along with very fast hitting strikes against single target foes.

Weapon Name Tier Runes Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Coiled Dawn 2 (Crafted) Fire Flurry 0 16 16 0
Etched Yatagan 3 (Crafted) Slashing Pirouette 0 0 26 26
Horned Frenzy 2 Plague Swirl 0 22 0 0
Wind of Death 3 (Legendary) Plague Whirl, Jump Cut, Slashing Dash, Twirl Death 0 26 0 26

All One-Handed Maces

Maces are slower, but a more bonkier type of weapon, with more poise breaking than other single target weapons.

Weapon Name Tier Runes Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Cleric’s Mace 1 Thrust 0 0 0 10
Grimacing Stone 2 Charge Strike 0 0 0 22
Malice 1 Surge Slash 0 0 0 10
Nail-laden Club 1 ??? 11 0 0 11
The Last Word 3 (Crafted) Slashing Dash 0 0 0 42

All One-Handed Axes

Axes tend to be a little slower than sword but faster than maces .They also do decent damage, and come with interesting rune choices built into them.

Weapon Name Tier Runes Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Climbing Pick 1 Fire Throw 11 0 11 0
Ripper 2 Taunt Strike 28 0 0 0

All One-Handed Spears

Spears are your go to weapons for jabbing and for range. You’ll essentially running a footman type build with a shield and range jabbing to play a safe yet effective build. There’s also plenty of mobility and cleave with certain runes available for spears too, offering plenty of versatility depending on the type of runes you want to run.

Weapon Name Tier Runes Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Assegai 1 Twirl Spin 11 11 0 0
Coral Piercer 3 Lightning Dash 0 0 29 29
Needle Spear 3 crafted Damage Surge 0 42 0 0
Petaled Spear 2 Crush 0 16 0 16
Proud Lance 3 (Legendary) Empty, Knockdown Swirl, Reap, Pulse of Life 38 38 0 0
Sacrament’s Sin 2 Ice Whirl 0 16 0 16

All One-Handed Rapiers

Rapiers are similar to katanas that they are fast attack weapons, but, are more focused on jabbing akin to spears. You’ll get plenty of fast paced gameplay with rapiers, but they are similar risk reward playstyles as knives and daggers.

Weapon Name Tier Runes Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Moonshaft 3 (Crafted) Air Dodge 0 26 0 26
Sinew 2 (Legendary) 0 0 16 16
Siren Queen’s Horn 3 Plague Throw 0 0 42 0
Tucked Falcon 3 (Crafted) Evasive Pierce 0 26 26 0

All Two-Handed Weapon Types

Two-handed weapons in No Rest For The Wicked range from dual-wield options, all the way to traditional two-handed weapons, and even magical staves. Image via Moon Studios.

Two-Handed weapons are slow, yet fairly high damage weapons, perfect for long range cleaving, huge burst damage, and poise destruction.

All Great Swords (normal and curved)

Greatswords are slow, yet strong weapons, offering plenty of range, cleave and jabbing, depending on the type of greatsword you use. Moreso, expect solid barbarian strength type weapons here, alongside a mixture of battlemage and faith builds in this weapon type.

Weapon Name Tier Runes Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Blister 3 Fire Sweep 26 0 26 0
Claymore 1 Juggle Strike 10 0 0 0
Corpse Smeared Blade 2 (Legendary) Berserk Flurry, Slashing Spin, Scream, Thorns 11 0 0 0
Divine Scimitar 2 Knockdown Swirl 16 16 0 0
Freiheit 3 Slashing Spin 26 26 0 0
Gnarled Saw 2 Limit Break 22 0 0 0
Icebreaker 3 (Crafted) Cold Enchantment 0 0 42 0
Shattered Sun 3 Whirlwind 26 0 26 0
Sieger 3 Evasive Combo 28 0 0 0
Summer’s Sting 3 Wallbreaker 26 0 0 26
Sunbeam 3 Cyclone Swipe 26 0 0 26

All Great Hammers (Clubs, Maces and Hammers)

Great Hammers are a weapon type that are the most slow, but can deal lots of damage. They are also the kings of breaking poise, meaning a few hits against a boss can send them staggered to the floor for several seconds. Using your focus after these moments can chain them back into CC. If you like that type of playstyle, Great Hammers are for you.

Weapon Name Tier Runes Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Brutish Cudgel 3 Crushing Dash 29 0 0 29
Cinder & Stone 2 (Legendary) Crushing Uppercut, Fire Whirlwind, Eruption, Channel 16 0 16 0
Festering Cleft 3 Eruption 26 0 26 0
Festering Earth 3 Ground Slam 42 0 0 0
Fetid Club 3 (Legendary) Crushing Quad, Pale Flurry, Whirlwind, Berserk Strike 0 0 0 26
Pound of Cadavers 3 Fire Slam 26 0 0 26
Spliced Hammer 3 Double Crush 0 26 0 26
Tooth of the Ancient One 3 Crushing Dodge 0 0 26 26
Weeping Earth 2 Balance Smash 16 0 0 16

All Great Axes

Great Axes again a hybrid between Greatswords and Hammers. They come with strong damage, but slightly slower than swords and not enough poise damage as hammers. They sit in the comfy middle ground of weapon types.

Weapon Name Tier Runes Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Bandit’s Cleaver 2 Dodge Slamdown 22 0 0 0
Broken Fang 3 Crushing Triple 42 0 0 0
Gilded Twibill 3 Lightning Assault 42 0 0 0
Huro’s Great Axe 3 Fire Whirlwind 42 0 0 0
Short Bardiche 3 Ice Ram 26 0 26 0

All Halberds and Scythes

Halberds and Scythes are niche weapons for the two-handed weapon type playstyle. Halberds are long range, jabbing and some cleave focuses weapons, while the Scythe is dedicated to cleave attacks. Consider them like the katanas, spears and rapiers of the two handed weapon type world.

Weapon Name Tier Runes Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Regal Cleft 2 Spin Crush 16 16 0 0
Scythe of Wrethces 2 Reap 0 16 0 16
Serrated Cutter 3 Multi Spin 26 26 0 0

All Staves

If you have a deep love for magic, then staves are you go-to weapon type in No Rest For The Wicked. These weapons are largely intelligence base,d but there is one with Faith scaling too. If you want that mage or priest playstyle, there’s plenty of magical options available for you.

Weapon Name Tier Runes Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Cursed Crone 2 Spark 0 0 16 0
Dried Hive 3 Flame Sweep 0 0 0 42
Falling Sky 3 (Legendary) Ice Sweep, Glacial Spike, Hail, Blink 0 0 42 0
False Truth 3 (Crafted) Plague Breath 0 0 42 0
Gnarled Staff 1 Fireball 0 0 10 0
Sinner’s Crown 2 Chain Lightning 0 0 16 16
Spherin 1 (Crafted) Ice Bolt 0 0 13 0
Stag of Embers 2 (Crafted) Fire Nova 0 0 22 0

All Dual-Wielding

Dual Wielding playstyles are for the rogue fantasy players out there. These playstyles sacrifice all defense in favor for ruthless fast attack offense. You’re going to want to go all in on mobility and swing for their backs using thematic damage, movement runes and whatever else tickles you fancy to do that.

Weapon Name Tier Runes Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Ash Soothed Daggers 3 (Crafted) Lightning Claw 0 26 26 0
Bleeder’s Delight 3 (Legendary) Tornado Spin, Dual Flurry, Scream, Poise Shield 0 42 0 0
Brothers Keepers 1 Dual Breaker 0 10 0 0
Chipped Daggers 2 (Crafted) Dashing Stab 16 16 0 0
Rogue Messer 2 Dual Slash 0 22 0 0

All Bows

Bows are a special type of weapon that sits in your offhand slot. These bows will use focus to shoot arrows, offering dex and strength builds some ranged attacks if they need it, rather than using shields. You can also run pure dex builds if you’d like and use a focus generation build to exclusively use the bow if you’d like and had more elemental arrows to the rune slots to offer some more variation to your nock and loosing.

Weapon Name Tier Runes Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Lacquered Bow 3 (Legendary) Arrow, Evasive Shot, Fire Arrow, Ice Arrow 0 42 0 0
Patience 3 Arrow 0 26 0 26
Woodland Protector 3 Arrow 0 26 0 26
Yewn Longbow 2 Arrow 0 22 0 0
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Private Division
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, Steam, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, RPG
  • Guide Release
    26 March 2024
  • Last Updated
    2 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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