The three enemy types you will face in various configurations are Zwerg Metrodroids, Corps Gunners and Orions. The Gunners are nothing but cannon fodder though, if you find them in larger groups, the damage can start to add up. Metrodroids aren’t a serious threat once you know their weaknesses which are Wind and Fire attacks. And the Orion is just the same as before; application of the Undermine Paradigm (RAV and SAB) first before Dualcasting (RAV and RAV) will soften up to be finished by Slash & Burn (COM and RAV). Most enemies will fall to Slash & Burn.
Charge into the first group of Gunners and wipe them out with a few simple attacks then run to the next group. Note that if you reach an Orion before it has fully unfolded its arms, you can get a pre-emptive strike much easier. The next group of enemies are Metrodroids so nothing to worry about there.
6x Corps Gunners (left) and the Spica Defenders location (right).
The next circular area has the Spica Defenders (weapon for Sazh which increases the duration of any beneficial status effects) guarded by a single Metrodroid running happily in front of it. Kill off the last couple of groups of enemies and you will emerge at the Clocktower area.
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