Enemy Info
Mark | Tonberry |
Stone Location | Archylte Steppe - Way of the Ancients |
Mark Location | Archylte Steppe - Haerii Archaeopolis |
Class | B |
Additional Foes | None |
Initial Reward | Hermes Sandals |
Repeat Reward | Bomb Core x7 |
Prerequisite | Mission 30 |
The mark location for this one is right here in the area below - so there will be no running around for this one! When you reach the marker on the map you trigger a Cut Scene.
[Left] Tonberry Enemy Intel. [Right] Zenobia is no match for Tonberry!
Tonberry is small but very, very vicious. His knife strikes are rather infrequent but do a decent amount of damage, however; the real threat is his Grudge attacks. As the battle wears on, Tonberry’s rage will begin to seethe, and once it reaches a certain point, he’ll release an attack that hits for a few thousand points worth of damage, recovers all of his health, and resets his combo percentage. Worse yet, every time he uses the attack, the power increases dramatically. Even if you survive the first time, you likely won’t last the second or third time.
The key here is simply to stagger Tonberry as fast as possible and get him in a series of juggles that will drain his HP fast and prevent him from using the Grudge skills. Don’t even worry about buffs of healing unless absolutely necessary, simply hit fast and hard until you’ve got him launched high in the sky. If you even let him get off one Grudge/full HP restore, it’s going to be extremely difficult to recover and beat him.
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