Go to the right of the house where Bhakti is and kill off the Vampire and Seeker. They guard a Treasure Sphere which holds the Heavenly Axis (weapon for Vanille that starts out with low stats and Stagger Lock but can be synthesized to gain Random Instant Chain) so collect that and carry on down the ramp.
Jump over the tree roots and kill the Vampire that surprisingly holds another part for Bhakti - the Trochoid Gear . If you run to the water’s edge you can examine the scene for a notification about how unsettling Oerba has become despite its glorious sunlight and warmth.
Kill this Vampire to get the Trochoid Gear.
The little stairs on the left of the main path can be ascended to scour for a Librascope , after which you should remove yet another Vampire in your way and continue forward to a group of three Seekers and a Vampire buddy. Take the right hand path into an old school.
Heavenly Axis location (left) and the Librascope location (right).
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