More surprises await you in the next few rooms. Like the Synthrona, enemies lie in wait behind shutters at the sides of the room; the first battle has a quartet of Circuitrons for you to defeat. The room just ahead has a rather nasty battle against a Greater Behemoth and two Skata’nes and a Stikini. You will need all your defenses here and should focus on the Stikini first before removing the Skata’nes and the Behemoth.
It is hard to gain a preemptive strike here (left) because of the Stikini’s vision. After the Berzerker ambush, collect the Electrodes (right).
Pass through the left-hand door when presented with a choice and you will be set upon by a Berserker as you head for the Treasure Sphere. Defeat it as normal then pick up the 3x Electrodes . Well, that wasn’t really worth it. Return to the previous room and take the northern path.
Through the door is a Save Station which you should use and afterwards, activate the elevator. Once again, enemies will drop from the sky; this time you must fight a Stikini and two Skata’nes.
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