When play resumes, Lightning will be party leader with Hope as the supporting cast member. You should have plenty of CP to spend so visit the Crystarium and focus on unlocking Aero (Ravager) and then Shell (Synergist) for Hope. Equip the Silver Bangle on Lightning and give Hope an Iron Bangle. You will need all the HP you can get during this chapter.
You will have to adjust to a two-man team again which can be a little odd after using three for so long so you should make sure you have your paradigms set up correctly. At the Save Point, turn around and jump the debris to reach a Librascope and a Thexteron. These are just slightly stronger Pantherons and can be treated exactly the same.
Save Point & Librascope.
Return to the previous area and turn right from the Save Point. A trio of enemies block your route so remove the threat. Carry on and hop and roll to the circular platform, then perform some more acrobatics to reach the other side.
A group of Watchdrones lie at the top of the slope and should be approached with caution. Alone they are not a threat, but together their Electrokick attack is punishing. They attack without impunity and will combine to instantly knock out a party member should you be unaware. Be ready to shift to War & Peace during this phase if necessary.
Follow the path round and try and launch a sneak attack on the next lot of enemies. Thexterons are particularly difficult to sneak up on as their senses and field of vision are rather heightened. It’s worth a shot though! A new enemy awaits just ahead - a Pulsework Soldier. Staggering them should take priority because once Staggered, they become completely disabled and cannot launch any attacks, allowing you to mercilessly finish them off. Jump down to the waypoint to progress the story.
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