Enemy Info
Mark | Juggernaut |
Stone Location | Taejin’s Tower - The Palisades |
Mark Location | Taejin’s Tower - The Palisades |
Class | B |
Additional Foes | None |
Initial Reward | Uraninite |
Repeat Reward | Mobius Coil x3 |
Prerequisite | None |
Having just finished fighting a Juggernaut we now learn that the target of this mission is… A Juggernaut. Right then, head back to the previous Cie’th Stone and teleport back to the Tower and head back towards it to the larger open area for the target.
[Left] Juggernaut Enemy Intel. [Right] Juggernaut Battle.
You’ll essentially have to fight the Juggernaut twice for this mission: once to access the Cie’th stone (it’s guarded by a tough enemy similar to the mark), and once to actually complete the mission. The Juggernaut has heavy defenses and hits hard with fire attacks, so be sure to have a Synergist on hand to set up appropriate elemental protection. Fortunately, its stagger percentage is pretty low. Commando skills won’t work too well initially, so get your Ravagers in, stagger him, then Shift back in a melee attacker or two to go in for the launcher.
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