A little way along are two new enemy types. If you use the Smart Bomb/Tri-Disaster combination you shouldn’t have much trouble with any enemy in this area. The Incubus here go down quickly once they have been debuffed and Staggered. However, if you happen upon a Succubus in a group, these should be made a priority because they have a nasty ability that Deprotects your whole party while casting Bravery on their allies. At that point, battles become a horrible mess.
Phoenix Down (left) and a Metal Armband (right).
The team will stop for further discussions and then continue through to a circular section complete with Incubus. Jump out of here and yet another door produces a Pulsework Soldier who is joined by an Incubus. Carry on through the scrap, fight off further Soldiers and then salvage the two Treasure Spheres found by jumping to the little alcove near the Save Point for a Metal Armband and a Phoenix Down . The Metal Armband increases resistance against Deprotect, useful for fights versus Succubus. You will meet your first Succubus just ahead so it may be a good idea to equip it now.
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