Enemy Encounters
Name | Fight or Avoid? |
Gorgonopsid | Fight |
Megistotherian | Avoid |
Behemoth King | Possible |
Leyak | Possible |
Rangda | Possible |
Flan | Fight |
Dire Flan | Possible |
Navidon | Fight |
Amphisbaena | Avoid |
Goblin | Fight |
Adamanchelid | Avoid |
Adamantoise | Avoid like the plague! |
Adamantortoise | Avoid like the plague! |
Cactuar | Avoid |
Welcome to the massive Archylte Steppe (left) where you will find your first Cie’th Stone (right).
A Cie’th stone will rise as you enter the Steppe. These stones offer you missions, which will always be hunting down target monsters and defeating them. Don’t take mission monsters lightly however - some of them are quite capable of swiftly knocking you out if you aren’t sufficiently prepared. See the Cie’th Stone side quest section for full details on missions - some of them are tied to the storyline so they’ll be covered when the time comes in Chapter 11.
Blue-colored Cie’th stones give you missions only. Silver-colored Cie’th stones give you missions, but also act as teleports. Red-colored Cie’th stones give you missions, and also give access to new areas.
Dormant Cie’th Stones awaken when you complete a prerequisite Mission, progress far enough in the storyline, or both. You can only accept one mission at a time. You can complete the same Mission infinite times, if you so desire. Upon completing the Mission for the first time, you’ll gain a unique reward. Further completions of the Mission will award you with items of lesser value, usually components. You can check the details of your current Mission, as well as the whereabouts of your mark, on the map screen at any time by pressing Square/X.
Turn around and save at the Save Station behind you. Now is a prime time for CP harvesting, and the target is not far away. To the left of this Save Station is a Behemoth King, which you can quite easily get a preemptive strike on. When you kill it, it drops 4000 CP… but first you’ll need to be strong enough to be able to kill it in one Stagger, so that it doesn’t transform into its walking version. So, put the materials you’ve been gathering to good use and upgrade your favorite weapons for Light (Axis Blade into Enkindler for instance), Vanille (or Hope of course) (Belladonna Wand into Malboro Wand) and Fang (Pandoran Spear into Calamity Spear). If you still aren’t strong enough, fight some weaker foes for easy CP, and then come back to Behemoth King to repeatedly defeat it. When it’s gone, walk to the Save Station and then turn around - it will have respawned and will be ready to be battled again.
Another thing to mention is the plethora of Treasure Spheres scattered across Gran Pulse. You can find a lot of materials in them, as well as various accessories. Of special mention are accessories which occassionally absorb elemental damage as HP recovery. Full locations will be added in map form soon.
Beating Mission 7 gives you the R&D Depot Key Item which opens the tenth shop at the Save Station, and beating Mission 46 gives you the Gilgamesh, Inc. Key Item which opens the eleventh shop at the Save Station.
8x Smooth Hides location (left) and an Ice Charm (right).
A Useful Synth-Ability: Random-Instant Chain. Go to the Moogle Works store and purchase six Speed Sashes . Give two each to your main party in order to get this synth-ability. What does it do? It has a low chance to instantly fill up the entire chain gauge of the targeted enemy, thus staggering it immediately.
With all that said, you’ll now need to traverse the whole Steppe to where you want to go. For help, look up to the sky and travel in the direction of the round moon-like object (that’s Cocoon, by the way).
Amphisbaena monster (left) and a Millerite location (right).
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