Back with Lightning and Fang, spend the CP you’ve accumulated and check your accessories. Follow the little path behind you to reach 15x Bestial Claws then follow the marker to the first battle. These are nothing to worry about however other enemies to watch out for are the Orion and Lodestar Behemoth. You’ve already met the Orion and the Behemoth acts like others of its type. Application of Slow will make these fights nice and easy and you will want to push for a quick Stagger where possible. The Behemoth’s gauge is reset when it rears up on its hind legs so try to finish the battle before it does.
Gae Bolg Treasure Sphere location (left) and battle with a Lodestar Behemoth (right).
An Orion waits round the corner, followed by another accompanied by a PSICOM Scavenger who sit in front of another treasure. Gae Bolg (weapon for Fang which improves Counter) can be collected as your reward. At the top of the stairs looms a Behemoth waiting to pounce. After it’s been taken down, pass through the gates and up the stairs to the next area.
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