Wondering where the Dead Island 2 Delgado’s Supply Case Key is? The answer to that is fairly long-winded, as the zombie only spawns once you have reached the very last stage of the Redacted Lost and Found mission. Here is more detail on getting to that point, and accessing the Delgado Supply Case Key.
You need to complete a series of side quests and a Lost and Found mission before you can get your hands on Delgado’s Supply Case Keys in Dead Island 2.
Dead Island 2 Delgado’s Supply Case Key Location¶
As stated, you must be towards the Redacted mission’s end. This quest can only begin at the end game, and once you have gone part way through the Diaries of the Dead side mission for Rodriguez at the Venice Beach Tower. Proceed with that mission when you get to the end game, which you can only start if you did her previous side mission.
Once you have started the Diary of the Dead mission, proceed through it as normal. It’s nothing too crazy, only requiring a few checkpoints, and fighting some zombies in stages quest. Once you reach the end of the quest, you must return to the tower. it is here you can pick up the Redacted quest from one of the bunkers in the military base, particularly from a named zombie called Lt. Ford. This zombie spawns inside one of the bunkers with its door shut, so, it is very easy to miss this zombie. Head inside, kill the zombie, and get the Redacted Quest.
Here’s a map roughly outlining where to go for each step needed to complete the Dead Island 2 Redacated Lost and Found quest. The third point is where you can complete redacted and get Delgado’s Supply Crate Keys.
Now you have the redacted quest, you need to find some clues around the place. To quickly summarize it, you need to visit a shipping container near the landing craft on the beach inside the base’ perimeter, then a shipping container near the tower. You might as well do this quest as you return to the tower for Rodriguez anyway. Once you have that, you can now go and get the final container for redacted, which is in the death pit side of the tower, which you can access via the tower’s south side, and then go west to the set of new containers and where the outside bathroom is.
It is here you will find the final item you need for the Redacted quest and complete it. But, before you can do that, there are two guards. One of which is a Butcher, and another is non-other than
PVT. Delgado. Killing Delgado awards Delgado’s Supply Case Key. You can now return to the tower, head upstairs, and open that lockbox that has awkwardly been goading you this entire time. When you open the Delgado Supply
Lockbox, you will get your hands on a
Burst-Fire Carbine, with a modified incendiary muzzle, offering some added napalm on your M16 if you desire that gameplay. But of course, finishing the redacted story awards you a legendary AK weapon, so, you have a good choice of what ranged playstyle you want to use.
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