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Icon Title Description Media Gallery Type Location
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A Parting Gift


Beverly Hills

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A Totally Legit Letter


Dropped by Dante when killed in the Lifeguard HQ during the daytime…

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Apex Variants

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B-14 Reporting in


Inside one of the blue lifeguard beaches between the GDC camp…

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Back Gate Code


On the Kitchen wall inside the prologue Bel-Air villa.

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Back Soon

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Big Break


On a table in Hero Journey Lane in Monarch Studios.

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Butter the Bitch


Inside one of the trailers on the carpark of Monarch Studios.…

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The Skope inside Emma Jaunt’s House, you can find it on the main…

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Note: Only found after completing the Story Quest The Search…


In the guest room of the house, on the table.

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CDC LOG Voice-to-Text Transcript


Inside the blood donor room in Santas Monica Pier.

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Children's Letters


Found on a table in the military checkpoint car park just outside…

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Chore Rota

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Chris Chat


On the blue box as you are about to leave Beverly Hills for Monica…

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Chump Dump Check


Near the acid pool area in the Hotel Halperin in the garden.…

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Close Shave


Found beside a picnic table on the most northwetern point of…

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Colt's Swansong


Found inside the panic room of the prologue Bel-Air mansion.…

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Found at the Metro Station, on the ground in the open area just…

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Crimson Penthouse


Top floor of the mansion across from the water treatment facility…

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Dave's Phone


Only available during the Clean and Snatch Lost and Found Quest.…

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Found at the Strongman event circle to the north of Venice Beach.…

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Dear Moms


Follow the road towards the Halperin Hotel. When you reach the…

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Death Spiral

HALPERIN HOTEL VIRTUAL AGENT [dialtone][zombie moan]Hello. Welcome…


The audio recording machine at the hotel lobby reception in the…

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Deluge Myth


Comes from the Skope inside Kelli Jo’s trailer in Monarch Studios,…

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Diary Entry: Thursday


Inisde the Automated Hydrostatics Monitoring office. You can…

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Do Not Enter


Up against a door that requires a fuse to open in the service…

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Eli's Note

A note found during the side quest “It’s Not Your Fault”.

Near the midway point of the Brentwood Sewers you’ll find the…

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Emma's Note

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End of the World Bucket List


Inside room 306 in the Hotel level. It is on the side of a desk…

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Engineers on Edge


Head to the far eastern road of Beverly Hills to where the red…

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Escaped By a Whisker

Inside the locked streamer room on the middle floor of the Goat…

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Everything Must Go!


Inside Epaules et Pieds in the Stirling Hotel on Ocean Avenue…

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Family Ties


Found in the Hot Dog Shack to the north of Santa Monica Pier.…

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Feeding Frenzy


Venice Beach, on top of the green container in the far northwest…

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Fieldnotes Journal

A journal entry found during the side quest “It’s Not Your Fault”.…

Just before you enter the Main Septic Tank chamber from the east,…

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Fifty Shades Of Mahogany

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Flyer for Michael’s Class

A flyer for an online class on how to have a successful career…


Inside Michael’s living room in Beverly Hills

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Fool's Gold

Lost and Found

Drops from a Crusher called Dante, who spawns after you complete…

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Fresh Delivery


Next to the dead delivery zombie in the Ocean Drive section of…

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Friends Without Benefits


On the left hand side of the door of the Friends Without Benenfits…

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Gathering The Crew

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Gods and Whiskey Jam


Inside Farouk’s House, on the balcony upstairs. You will get…

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Gratitude Journal

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Guidance For Security


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Guided Mindlessness


Inside the black roomed building near the Bel Air entrance on…

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Happy Trails


On a red car found on the car park on the left hand side of the…

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Hicks' Birthday Photo


Inside the barracks building on the east side of the large fortification…

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Hicks' Dog Tags


Inside the porter potty near the barrack building to the east…

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Hicks' Lucky Number


Inside the barracks building on the east side of the large fortification…

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Hot Feet


Beside a bath in the hotel level. You can head inside a bathroom…

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In The Pipes


Inside the Water Treatment Facility in Beverly Hills. Solve the…

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In These Challenging Times

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Instruction Manual


Found within the iron bar window of the Automated Hydrostatics…

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I’ll be Waiting

If I keep finding all this nothing, I’m not gonna have any hands…


While in the Hotel Halperin lobby, go to the broken elevator…

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Janitor's Office Safe Code


On the pipes in the small room near the service hallways of Hotel…

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Jessie’s Note


Inside Michael’s kitchen in Beverly Hills

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Jo's Beloved Baby

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Jo's Final Farewell

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Jo's Secret Stash


Found in Jo’s Rental Store in the north of Venice Beach.

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Just a Prank

On the middle floor of the Goat Pen in Bel-Air in a locked room.…

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Just Venting


Found on the pier in Santa Monica Pier, located in a container…

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L.A Evac: Driver Handbook


Inside the first bus you can enter next to the sewer entrance…

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LA 24 News Crew's Plan

Can be found on a table in the lounge room of the LA 24 News…

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Land's Weekly Report


Inside beach fortification in Venice Beach. Head to the large…

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Llama Milk


Inside Emma Jaunts House in Bel Air. You can find it in the bedroom…

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Lockdown Instructions


Inside beach fortification in Venice Beach. Head to the large…

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Major Malfunction


Inside room 306 in the Hotel Halperin. It is on the side of a…

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Martial Law Incident Report


On the northwest road blockade in Beverly Hills

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Mentor of the Year Award


Inside Michael’s living room in Beverly Hills

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Missing: Davis

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Missing: Jamal

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Missing: Laura

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Niran's Note

A note found during the side quest “It’s Not Your Fault”.


Near the midway point of the Brentwood Sewers you’ll find the…

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Note For Bob


In the Silver and Steel store. Head into the office manager’,…

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Note for Engineer


Found on the elevator wall on Hotel Halperin’s second floor.…

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Note for Michael


Found inside the pool of Michael’s house, this will only appear…

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Note Left on Fridge

If you regain consciousness and happen to wonder where I am,…


Found on the floor, next to the fridge in Jessie Kwon’s house.…

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Note on Back Gate


Found inside the prologue Bel-Air villa in the kitchen area.…

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Note To All Employees


In the Silver and Steel store. Head into the office manager’,…

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Obi's Phone


Found in the large mansion in the center of Beverly Hills, the…

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Officer of the Day Duty Roster


Inside beach fortification in Venice Beach. Head to the large…

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Omen to Kill Trailer


On a dark table near the stairs coming down from Emma’s bedroom…

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OSK Customer Service Script

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Other Arrangements


Next to the tennis court between two sun loungers on a little…

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Out of Time


Found in the park just outside the Police Station in Venice Beach.…

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Patton's Kingdom

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People Watching


Climb the building with the surfing shark on the Venice Beach…

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Phil's Note


On the fence of the water treatement plant in Beverly Hills.…

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Placenta Lasagna

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Plumbing Schematic


Open the safe in the same room you picked up theJanitor’s Office…

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Portapotty Poltergeist


can be found in the box office room on the Hollywood Boulevard…

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Priority Evac


Beside the emergency service veichle parked just outside the…

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Processed Meat


Found on the pier at Santa Monica Pier, in the area to the west…

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RE: The Amanda Styles Incident

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Read Only Once Safe


can be found in the lab of the Eschaton Facility.

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Red Spider


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Reed's Doubters


Inside the bedroom you wake up in the Sterling Hotel on Ocean…

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Review: Bucket O' Fish: One Star

Found on the bottom floor, near an electrical trap in Bucket…


Santa Monica

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Review: Pier Grill: Two Stars

This is a part of the Message in a Bottle sidequest. The note…


Santa Monica

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Review; Hotdg Shak: Twelvteen Strs

This is the final part of the Message in a Bottle Sidequest.…


Santa Monica

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Rise of the God-Spider


Inside Studio 7 building in Monarch Studios, located next to…

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Rolodex Address Card: Jessie Kwon

Jessica Kwon(Jessie)667 Rocky Heights213-555-0109


Inside Michael’s bedroom in Beverly Hills. Play message on answering…

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Romance Is Dead

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Romero's Running Order


Can be found pinned up on the wall to the left side of the Old…

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Scamper the Dolphin

An audio log containing the local aquarium staff letting out…


Found inside a very small hidey hole under the pier of Santa…

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Seismometer Placement

A journal entry that can only be found during the Side Quest…


In Bel-Air, head down the road leading to the sewers, where you’ll…

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Found inside the Biohazard House in Beverly Hills, on the first…

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Shutter It Down

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Slippery When Wet


Found to the west of the pier at Santa Monica Pier, close to…

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So Dumb

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Spacefox2250 Live Feed


On the merch stand on the carpark of Monarch Studios.

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Speak Now


Inside the Hotel Halperin lobby. Follow the garden area to a…

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Spin Theory


On a forklift southeast of the house under construction (where…

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Staked Out In The Goat Pen EP. 98

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Tazmanian Devil

Can be found on the second floor of Rikky’s Home which can be…


Rikky’s Home, East Beverly Hills.

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The Badge


Found within the traiuler on the Action Alleyway part of the…

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The Book Of Flyboy

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The Case Of Lacey Dubois

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The Clean and Snatch

Lost and Found

Begins by collecting the note on top of the locked chest in the…

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The Dirtiest Job


Found in the garden area as you leave the Hotel Halperin Lobby.…

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The Infection Within


On a table as you leave the medical tents at the start of Santa…

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The Mighty Bundy


Inside the whalenoise making building in Santa Monica. It is…

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This Year's Hottest Toy: DD-09!

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To My Followers

On the desk of the streamer Broseidon and the Spartan on the…

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Tony the Mooch


Inside Curtis Sinclair’s kitchen in Bel-Air. You must complete…

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Tony the Schemer


Head inside the large building in the back garden area of Curtis…

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Voice Transcript


can be found in the Re-Aging Clinic office.

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Wedding Invitation


On a small table inside the Hotel Halperin Lobby, near the locked…

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Where Are They Now?


Inside the small office security room on the corner of the Stardom…

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Workout Plan: Day 3: "Leg Day"

Found on the floor in the small gym area on Venice Beach.

Venice Beach

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Workplace Incident Report

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You Made A Mistake

A document containing errors inside the Luigi Pizzeria in Santa…


Found inside the backroom of the pizzeria on the Santa Monica…

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You Won't Believe This Crazy Rumor!

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Zombie Outbreak Society Rules

A list of commandments that beach chillers surviving the zombie…


Found in one of the small closed off areas of the Santa Monica…

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Zompocalypse Assignment

Can be found on a table in the lounge room of the LA 24 News…

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