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Army Lockdown Code

Lt Hicks’ code 28-15-59 can release the military lockdown of…

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Biohazard Container Key

On a keyring for a Beverley Hills property. The Sodulux Estates…

Drops from a zombie called Sgt. Hernandez, who is found in beverly…

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Bouncer's Key

Drops from the Party Bouncer.

Rikky’s Home, East Beverly Hills.

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Brentwood Waste Key

Drops from the Brentwood Staff Named Zombie.

Beverly Hills

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Brock's Safe Key

A key with a GOAT PEN key-chain. Bel-Air based Brock was one…

On a Goat Pen Crusher withthin the Goat Pen mansion. It spawns…

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Burger 66 Locker Key

Drops from the Burger 66 Server near the park outside of the…

Venice Beach

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BWRP Hydrostatic Keycard

Allows access to the Hydrostatic Management System room in the…

Inside an instructions manual in Brentwood Sewers. You can get…

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Cable Guy's Van Key

Open the Cable Van Lockbox in Bel-Air

Found on the Cable Guy wandering the streets. You can spawn this…

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CDC Disposal key

Opens up the Suspicious Container Lockbox found near the CDC…

Drops from the CDC Viscera Cleaner named zombie that you can…

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CDC HQ Security Pass

Dr. Reed’s personal security pass to the CDC Base by the Pier.…

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CDC Master Keycard

A high-level pass with Drr. Bundy’s name printed on it. It unlocks…

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Cindy's Safe Key

A safe key that opens up a safe in Colt Swansong’s master bedroom,…

Drops from a named screamer Called Colt’s Gal Cindy, who spawns…

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Coach's Car Keys

Belonged to the tennis coach hired to improve Colt Swanson’s…

Found on Coach Ace, who is a zombie on the tennis court on the…

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Code for Colt's Back Gate

The code 1975 can be used to open the Backyard gate once you…

Inside Colt Swansong’s Kitchen in Bel-Air

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Comm's Area Keycard

A keycard used to get into the locked eastern section of the…

Drops from the Signal Officer in the Diaries of the Dead side…

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Curtis' House Keys

Curtis Sinclair gave you his house keys as thanks for saving…

Curtis gives you them after you complete his first side quest…

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Curtis' Safe Key

Dropped by a named screamer called Crystal the Lawyer, who spawns…

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Dead Zone Keycard

A slightly corroded military keycard. Beyond the Beverley Hills…

Drops from a named military zombie near the checkpoint between…

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Delgado's Supply Case Key

A set of keys used to open Delgado’s Supply Case in the Venice…

Drops from PVT. Delgado who spawns on on the southwest part of…

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Dr. Dorian's Code

A card peeled out of the dried blood of a dissected doctor. His…

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Electricians Keys

Drops from the Faulty Electrician who can be found standing in…

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Emma's House Keys

A set of keys to open the doors to Emma’s home in Bel-Air. They…

Emma gives you these keys in the Prologue

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Eschaton Safe Key

Dropped from the Eschaton Doctor who can be found in the Metro…

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Fancy Leather Trunk Key

Opens the Fancy Leather Trunk, which is a lockbox found near…

Drops from the Mutated Guest, which spawns after you unlock the…

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Farouk's House Key

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Ferris Wheel Booth Keys

Obtain from Ride Operator.

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Foreman's Key

A key used to open the Construction Team’s Safe in Beverly Hill’s…

Drops from a mutator enemy called The Site Foreman, which spawns…

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Gang Green Gate Key

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Gang Green Safe Key

The keys required to open the back gate for the Gang Green store…

Dropped by Roach on the beach in Venice Beach. Roach will not…

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Garage Safe Key

Drops from the Noisy Neighbor named enemy in Beverly Hills. …

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Gate Control Room Key

Used by Beverley Hills Brentwood Water Reclamation Project staff…

Drops from Phil the Crusher zombie. You can find him inside the…

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Goat Pen Keycard

Opens the Backyard Gate of the The GOAT Pen content creators…

Drops from Goat Pen Dan in the Goat Pen Bowling Alley in Bel-Air…

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Guests Keepsake Key

Dropped by the Serling Hotel Guest who can be found in the alleyway…

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Hills Checkpoint Pass

An official pass for the military checkpoint between Bel-Air…

Drops from a servicemen zombie near the exit from Bel-Air to…

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Jail Cell 02 Key

Found inside the reception area of the Police Station in Venice…

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Janitor's Safe Code

A reminder left behind for Bob. The Lotusville Mall Janitor’s…

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Jo's Staff Room Key

In Jo’s Rental Store, in Venice Beach. Smash the window (deactivate…

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Kelli Jo's Suitcase Key

The Kelli Jo Suticase key open up the trunk suitcase inside the…

Drops from the named Screamer called Kelli Jo Longeteig. This…

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LA 24 News Security Pass

Can be found on a corpse that is located in the upstairs section…

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Landscaper's Keys

A set of keys that opens the Eddies Toolbox Lockbox, which is…

Drops from Eddie Greenthumb, a named butcher that spawns in Colt…

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Laundry Room Locker Key

Open the Laundry Room Locker, which is found on the dark second…

You need to return to this location once you have unlocked Volatile…

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Lenny's Parking Lot Key

Opens a gate to the parking lot behind Lenny’s on Venice Beach.…

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Lifeguard Hut Safe Key

Dropped from Brody the Lifeguard.

Venice Beach

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Lifeguard Kit Box Key

Dropped by the Beach Hunk that spawns in the fire pit just outside…

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Lotusville Janitor's Key

Can be found in the Janitor’s Room which is located underneath…

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Luigi's Famiglia Key

A set of keys used to open the lockbox inside the Luigi Pizzeria.…

Drops from Luigi Jr.

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Mailman's Keys

Opens the Mailman’s Lockbox for the Lost and Found quest, My…

Spawns a named NPC called Wayne the Mailman, who is a Slobber…

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Maintenance Area Key

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Mall Cop's Luggage Key

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Michael's House Keys

Michael’s spare set of keys for his place in Beverley Hills.…

In the trash inside Michael’s Kitchen in Beverly Hills.

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Michael's Safe Key

A carefully labeled key. “Mentor of the Year”. Michael kept a…

Drops from Michael’s Protege after you complete the main story…

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Military Courier's Key

Open the Military Lockbox inside the Hotel Lobby in Hotel Halperin.…

Drops from the Military Courier. The NPC seems to only spawn…

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Military Supplies Keys

Dropped by a zombie patrolling Lacuna Avenue near the Halperin…

Found on the Drill Sergent NPC, which spawns at the military…

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Nikki's Prize Key

Open Nikki’s Prize Lockbox in the mansion you encounter the first…

Drops from a Butcher names zombie called Target Practice. He…

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Officer's Lock Box Key

Drops from Officer McKenzie who appears near the beach southwest…

Venice Beach

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OSK Server Room Keycard

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Panopticon Compound Pass

Grants access to the USMC controlled area around the Venice Tower.…

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Police Dept. Keycard

A keycard used to gain access to the police station on Venice…

Found in the reception area of the Police Station in Venice Beach,…

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Poolside Container Key

Opens the Poolside Container, which is the Caustic-X filled pool…

You need to kill Sunbather, the large Slobber inside the fractured…

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Preston's Safe Key

Dropped by Preston, found on the Santa Monica Pier in a container.…

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Randgate Security Key

Drops from the Randgate Staff Named Zombie who can be found…

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Re-Aging Clinic Keycard

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Rikky's Kitchen Key

This key is required to access parts of Rikki’s home via the…

Rikki’s Home, East Beverly Hills.

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Rose's Storage Key

Dropped by the Named Zombie, Rose.

Venic Beach

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Safe-Deposit Key #14

One of the FIVE safe-deposit keys lost in the Halpern Hotel.…

Inside one of the second floor bedrooms in Hotel Halperin

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Safe-Deposit Key #33

One of the FIVE safe-deposit keys lost in the Halpern Hotel.…

Inside the elevator you can call in Hotel Halperin’s first floor.…

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Safe-Deposit Key #49

One of the FIVE safe-deposit keys lost in the Halpern Hotel.…

Inside the ventilation that you crawl through in Hotel Halperin.…

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Safe-Deposit Key #9

One of the FIVE safe-deposit keys lost in the Halpern Hotel.…

In the hotel Lobby in Hotel Halperin.

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Safe-Deposit Key 53

One of the FIVE safe-deposit keys lost in the Halpern Hotel.…

Inside room 307’s bathroom in Hotel Halperin.

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Secure Storage Room Key

Found near the lockers in the Police Station in Venice Beach,…

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Security Guard's Safe Key

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Security's Cooler Key

Dropped by a Security Guard. It must have been hungry work guarding…

Drops from a named guard isnide of a trailer in the Action Alley…

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Seismometer Key Alpha

Found during the Side Quest “It’s Not Your Fault”, it opens the…

Along the eastern edge of Brentwood Sewers, in a side passage.…

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Seismometer Key Beta

Found during the Side Quest “It’s Not Your Fault”, it opens the…

After entering the watery Automated Hydrostatics chamber, exit…

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Seismometer Key Delta

Found during the Side Quest “It’s Not Your Fault”, it opens the…

Enter the Main Septic Tank - the massive chamber in the center…

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Seismometer Key Gamma

Found during the Side Quest “It’s Not Your Fault”, it opens the…

Near the midway point of the Brentwood Sewers you’ll find the…

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Serling Reception Safe Key

Drops from the Serling Concierge Zombie in the Lotusville Mall…

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Server Room Safe Key

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Shower Maintenance Key

Venice Beach

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Silver & Steel Keycard

Given to you by Denise. A keycard that can be used to cut through…

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Skate Things Safe Key

Dropped by Ollie, who spawns on the beach in Venice Beach once…

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Space Fox 2250 Prop Key

Keys to the Spacefox Studio lockbox.

Drops from the Space Fox Prop Master named zombie. Tends to spawn…

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Stage 7 Key

A key to Monarch Studio’s Sound Stage 7. The next movie in the…

Inside the trailer closest to the meet and greet stand in Monarch…

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Starla's Safe Key

Dropped from Starla Taylor-Moore who can be found at the Old…

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Strongman Cooler Key

Dropped by Jack Jones, who spawns to the north of Venice Beach…

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Swanson Mansion Keycard

Opens the front door of Colt Swanson’s Bel-Air home.

The zombified musician drops it when you defeat him in the Panic…

As soon as you open the door to the Panic Room, Colt will be…

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Tasty Donut Safe Key

Dropped by the Tasty Donut Boss to the north of Venice Beach.…

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The Major's Master Keys

Collect them from the corpse of the Major in the Hotel Halperin…

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Ticket Office Safe Key

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