There are quite a few quests to pick up when you are playing through Dead Island 2. Many of them likely won’t appear for you until you are in the late game. More Than a Badge is a quest that only appears during the last few missions of the game. It can be rather frustrating as you have to track down clues that are easy to miss. The guide below goes over how to start More Than a Badge and how to find the thieves in Dead Island 2.
Jimmy warning you about the triggered Lotusville Mall alarm.
How to Start More Than a Badge in Dead Island 2¶
You will need to have completed The Search For The Truth, a late-game main story quest. After Jimmy takes control of the Sterling Hotel, things will go south. Speak with him near the elevators to learn that some thieves have made off with supplies. He will ask you to track them down.
Where to Find The Thieves in More Than a Badge¶
Your first stop is the parking lot next to the coffee shop. You will want to go through the door into the ally to the crates. The game will task you with looking for clues. Check the back left doorway to find a poster for The Badge and interact with it.
(1 of 2) Interact with The Badge poster in the back left corner.
Interact with The Badge poster in the back left corner. (left), Go into the alley beside the coffee shop on Ocean Avenue. (right)
Afterward, a Screamer will pop up, defeat them and their crew of zombies. A note will drop, pick it up and move to the parking garage behind LA 24 News. Once there, you will need to climb up to the top of the building. Take out the zombie and pick up the note to Jimmy on the roof directly in front of you.
A note to Jimmy on top of the parking garage in Ocean Avenue.
You will now need to go to the area outside of Burger 66. This area is down from the coffee shop alley. Once there, circle around the truck to find Zack, who has been turned into a Butcher. Defeat him quickly and keep a close eye on him to keep him from healing.
Zack is a tanky Butcher, so use powerful weapons to cut him down to size.
Be cautious as Bursters will show up once you get him low on health. Once Zack is defeated, pick up the pass and head back to the Lotusville Mall. The alarm is going off and has attracted several
Apex Variants. Take them out on the first floor and hand the pass to Ava. You will then need to head up to the second floor to do the same. Once this is done, you simply need to confront Jimmy to wrap up the quest.
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