Dead Island 2 is the latest zombie ARPG, bringing with it more zombie-whacking fun. If you’re looking to jump in on the latest triple-A adventure, and are wondering how long is Dead Island 2, to influence your purchase, then we answer that question below.
Here’s a rough estimation of how long Dead Island 2 is, and the time to beat I for completionists, and more casual gamers. Image via PLAION.
How long is Dead Island 2?¶
If you caught the latest Dead Island 2 interview, at WCCFtech, you’ll find that one of the head honchos at Deep Silver and Dambuster Studios, the publisher and developer respectively on the game, said that the game takes around 20 hours for the average playthrough. This means finishing the main story, dabbling with some of the side content, and then calling it day with the game.
After getting hands-on with the game, we can confirm that is somewhat true. The main story is around 20 hours in length, which will have you run around ten maps doing main story missions set all across LA. Moreso, each area has a handful of side missions you’ll find at various points in the game, along with plenty of collectables and super optional side content like completionist journal hunting, lockbox opening, and other treasure troves of loot to get your hands on.
If you’re one of those completionists, you’re likely looking at a 50-hour game, considering the backtracking you will be doing, The game is very linear in its main story, and it does leave skull zombies around each map, designed to tell you to come back later. Either because the main story will bring you this way at some point, or it holds some higher valuable loot it wants you to return to when you feel like you’re much stronger.
In a way, its map design somewhat plays very similar to the original, and unmodded Stalker games, where you progress through the maps somewhat linearly, but, there are always those mysterious places you couldn’t quite get to int eh early game that you will want come back to and explore. So, if you’re still wondering how long Dead Island 2 is for the regular story campaign and mindless zombie bashing, you’re looking at a 20-hour all-around fun time. If you’re hunting for that gamer score or platinum, you’re likely looking at around a 50-hour session, with a ten-hour leeway room depending on coop experience or efficiency in your playthrough.
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