There are several missing person quests to complete in Dead Island 2, many of which have varying results of success. Davis is a boy who was supposed to be taking a bus out of town, and his mom put up a notice to find out if he is safe. The guide below goes over how to track down Davis and complete the quest in Dead Island 2.
Fighting Davis in the Santa Monica bus lot.
How to Start Missing: Davis in Dead Island 2¶
You can start Missing: Davis by going to the Sterling Hotel and checking the missing person board. It should be one of the first fliers you have access to. The report instructs you to go to Venice Beach to check if Davis’s bus made it or not.
Where to find Davis in Dead Island 2¶
Your first stop is the bus area north of the Blue Crab at Venice Beach. You will need to crawl through a small opening to get into the bus lot. The bus you need is on the right, and you will find a small note on the stairs stating that the bus that Davis was on is actually in Santa Monica near The Pier.
Grab the Extra Credit note to progress Missing: David.
The bus lot is at the northern part of the Santa Monica Map above The Pier. It’s fenced off, but there is an opening on the left side of the fence that you can crawl through. Be careful, as there are several zombies around this area and inside of the bus lot.
Crawl through the opening into the bus lot at Santa Monica.
Once you are inside, you will need to follow the path forward and be sure to knock out any zombies on the way. When you are near the porta potties, you will find Davis, who is now a Crusher. He doesn’t have any special abilities, so take him down quickly to complete the quest.
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