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Dead Island 2

Cremains of the Day Side Quest on Venice Beach - Dead Island 2

Scott Peers
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The "Cremains of the Day" iconCremains of the Day side quest in Dead Island 2 can be acquired from W.O. Rodriguez, who can be found in the military tower in the northwestern part of Venice Beach. She’s at the top of the tower, the path to which is rigged with traps, so you’ll need to be careful as you make your way up.

How to Start Cremains of the Day in Dead Island 2

The first thing to note about this quest is that if you don’t see the icon for it on the map, you may need to progress further through the main story, or leave the area and then come back, before it appears. You will only be able to enter the tower once the quest becomes available, so don’t bother trying otherwise. If you do see the marker on the map, you can make your way to the tower and enter by pressing a button which opens a mechanical shutter on the first floor. Once you’re inside, carefully disarm the traps to avoid being caught out by them.

After speaking with W.O. Rodriguez to acquire the quest at the top of the tower, you can speak to her again to check the items that she has for sale. Among these is the Cremator "Hunting Rifle" iconHunting Rifle, which will be useful for this quest, although not essential. Either way, when you’re ready make your way back down the stairs and turn right at the bottom of them (facing southwest) to find the rear exit. You can now open it using the security keypad, and this leads on to the beach where you’ll find three death pits.

How to Fire Up the Death Pits

To set the death pits on fire, you can make good use of the Cremator Hunting rifle if you just bought it. All you need to do is shoot into each death pit once to set it on fire. You’ll find one death pit directly in front of you as you enter the beach area, and you can actually just shoot the red barrel in this one to set it alight. The other two can be found to the left and right of this one (southeast and southwest), further along the beach. If you don’t have the Cremator rifle, you’ll find some fuel cans nearby which you can throw into the pits, then shoot them to set them on fire.

(1 of 3) The location of the military tower in the northwest of the Venice Beach map.

Kill the Fire-Spewing Hostile - M.C. SPitzfire

Once you’ve set all three death pits on fire, a zombie named M.C. Spitzfire will appear from the flames. This is a fairly tough zombie who will frequently spit fire at you, so you’ll need to be ready to dodge his ranged attacks. There will be other zombies constantly charging you at the same time throughout this fight, so be ready to deal with them too. Using ranged weapons (especially guns) is a good option here, since you’ll have less space to react to the fire attacks if you’re too close. Either way, this shouldn’t be a tough fight so long as you’re careful to dodge the fire attacks. Once M.C. Spitzfire is dead, make your way back to W.O. Rodriguez in the tower to complete the quest.

You’ll need to be careful to avoid the ranged attacks from M.C. Spitzfire.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Deep Silver
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    18 April 2023
  • Last Updated
    21 June 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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A plague of zombies has broken out again, this time in Los Angeles - now affectionately known as Hell-A. Pick between six potential Slayers and attempt to round up various eccentric survivors in your quest to escape the doomed city. This guide for Dead Island 2 - the long-awaited sequel developed by Deep Silver Dambuster Studios - contains the following:

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