**Challenge** | **Description** | **Stars** |
Scrumptious Puerto Bream | Catch 1 Puerto Bream from around Port Puerto or Tortuga Archipelago | 50 |
Brimming with Breams | Catch 5 Puerto Breams from around Port Puerto or Tortuga Archipelago | 80 |
Yarr! | Catch 1 Pirate Carp, rarely found in Port Puerto | 120 |
Small Fry of the Sea | Catch 1 Sardine from around Port Puerto, amongst other places | 80 |
A Big Catch of… Small Fry | Catch 5 Sardines from around Port Puerto, amongst other places | 120 |
Can Feed a Village for a Week | Catch 1 Tuna, rarely found in Tortuga Archipelago | 120 |
Dream of Flying | Catch 1 Flying Fish from Tortuga Archipelago | 80 |
Silver Wing Squad | Catch 5 Flying Fish from Tortuga Archipelago | 120 |
Deadly but Delicious | Catch 1 Pufferfish from Tortuga Archipelago | 80 |
Puffing Up with Pride | Catch 5 Pufferfish from Tortuga Archipelago | 120 |
**Challenge** | **Description** | **Stars** |
Red-Hot Redgill | Catch 1 Redgill from Mt. Snowpeak’s Lava Cave | 80 |
Finger-Burning Redgills | Catch 5 Redgills from Mt. Snowpeak’s Lava Cave | 120 |
Lava-Loving Prawns | Catch 1 Lava Prawn from Mt. Snowpeak’s Lava Cave | 80 |
Lava-Loving Prawn Party | Catch 5 Lava Prawns from Mt. Snowpeak’s Lava Cave | 120 |
Scorching Catch | Catch 1 Magmafish, rarely found in Mt. Snowpeak’s Lava Cave | 120 |
Ready Your Sword | Catch 1 Swordfish on Tortuga Archipelago, then cash in the bounty as an Angler | 300 |
Heated Battle | Catch 1 Volcanic Tuna in the Lava Cave, then cash in the bounty as an Angler | 250 |
By now, you’re probably getting the hang of fishing and what good timing, as you’ll be visiting the Angler’s paradise: Port Puerto and its neighbouring area, Tortuga Archipelago.
Annoyingly, even though both areas are situated next to the sea, the fishing spots are still limited in number. However, especially in Tortuga Archipelago, you can find a lot more fishing spots if you keep hugging the shorelines.
We don’t need to give you advice for catching the common fish, like the Breams and Pufferfish, besides patience as usual. Just be aware that the Pirate Carp in Port Puerto and the Tuna in Tortuga Archipelago may take a while to find, like all rare fish.
Blue is good; Gold is… probably too strong for you right now.
To find the Swordfish , Tortuga Archipelago’s Lordfish, head for the centre of the archipelago and if you’re lucky this blue fish should be swimming at the end of the semi-circle shaped wooden pier, in a big whirlpool.
Be vigilant as the Golden Swordfish can spawn in the same location–this is the hardest Lordfish to catch in the non-DLC game, so don’t be confused if you do zero damage. If Goldie appears, rest in the inn or your house to try and get rid of it.
Having made as splash in Port Puerto, check out the Lava Cave , by heading south-west from the Crowned Champion’s house atop Mt. Snowpeak, to try you hand at fishing for… lava fish!?
That’s right; you can fish in the lava, mostly in the southern part of the cave, past the Lava Golem and the Dragon Scab, where you see bright-orange fish swimming around.
There’s boss fish here too–the Volcanic Tuna , usually swimming to the left of the wooden pier in the south-east corner, past the Sacred Fire Tree. If it’s not here, curse your luck and sleep for a day, then come all the way back to see if your luck improves.
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