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**Challenge** **Description** **Stars**
Alchemy Scholar Style Make 1 Stylish Specs 150
Amethyst Purple Make 1 Amethyst Ring 50
Goin’ Snorkelling! Make 1 Diving Mask 100
Sky-Blue Flower Make 1 Flower Hairclip 100
Healing Heaven Make 3 Healing Powders 500
Gimme Strength! Make 1 high-quality Power Aid 300
Gimme Vitality! Make 1 high-quality Resistance Aid 300
Gimme Magic! Make 1 high-quality Magic Aid 300
Poison Blast Make 1 Poison Bomb 200
Stun Blast Make 1 Stun Bomb 200
Flashy Flask Make 1 Bubbling Flask 200
The Ingenious Alchemist Make 15 items using automatically obtained Adept recipes 700
Classy in Coral Make 1 Coral Necklace 200
**Challenge** **Description** **Stars**
Bombs Away! Second Barrage Make 1 Medium Bomb 350
Healing Circle Make 1 high-quality Energy Powder 450
Rejuvenation Stations Make 3 Panaceas 800
Ocean Fashion Passion Make 1 Marine Necklace 350
Charming Charm Make 1 Durable Charm 500
Flamel’s Folly Make 1 high-quality Poison Bomb, 1 high-quality Stun Bomb and 1 high-quality Sleep Bomb 1000


Your science experiments will start to move away from Castele now, towards Port Puerto and Al Maajik.

For starters, try the Port Puerto Shady Shop, in the pirates’ part of the Marina, for your common material needs. The same shop sells Alcheweed , Saltless Seawater , Durable Shells and Stunning Coral if you have the Port Shopping+ Bliss Bonus.

Port Shopping+ is also required to purchase Beast Hide from the Port Puerto wood and leather stall (or you can visit the one in Al Maajik) and Glittering Coral from the bar on the beach, just before heading to Tortuga Archipelago.

Haven’t talked to Rupert or Fizz for a while? Keep chatting until they spill the recipes.

Rainbow Shells must be picked up from the sands of Nautilus Cave, near the centre of Tortuga Archipelago, or Cacto Cove. Fancy Ribbons are easy, purchasable from all good tailor stalls.

You can buy Magic Powder from the Al Maajik Shady Shop or from Professor Snooze’s Lab, but if you’re not that ahead, you can instead exorcise a Spook haunting the northern part of the East Grassy Plains at night.

Mysterious Objects , Purple Gels and Yellow Gels are also sold by this Shady Shop, but the Desert Shopping+ Bliss Bonus is required.

No bonus? You’ll have to hunt down the Chiromon in the the west branch of the Ancient Ruins, which is even further ahead. Plus the Toxic Jellings in the Subterranean Lake and the Desert Jellings in the central branch of the Ancient Ruins.

The Poison Powder and Stun Powder are sold by the same merchant that sold Sleep Powder, in the campsite just before the Desertward Ravine.

When it’s time to make a Medium Bomb, check the Port Puerto or Al Maajik ore merchants for the Quality Minty Ore (same deal for the Purple Stone for the Bubbling Flask) and Professor Snooze’s Lab for the elusive Red Gel .

Finally, to make the Amethyst Ring, you can buy Silver Ingots and Amethysts from the Port Puerto ore merchant (the latter requires Port Shopping+) and Water Mana from the teacher in Esmerelda’s Academy of Magic, in the north-west corner of Spelltown.

Any questions? No? Then bombs away!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    RPG, Social simulation
  • Guide Release
    7 September 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau

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