During the middle portion of the game, you will be in the Sniflheim region and have to visit a dungeon, called Glydenhal. Before you enter the place, though, look to the west of the entrance to spy a green Tockle, so speak to it to get the pastword.
West of the entrance to Glydenhal will be this Tockle
As you appear in this area, go south and into the next room to find some NPCs being chased by a monster. Interact with any of the NPCs to trigger a battle with an enemy called Sir Roseguardin. There’s nothing fancy about this battle, as it’s pretty much a straight up physical one. Roseguardin can use the Sphere of Silence to seal your characters’ spells, as well as summon Chillanodons. These enemies are nothing new, though, so they should be easy to dispatch and makes Roseguardin waste a turn summoning more. However, Roseguardin does hit quite hard and can also do a desperate attack, meaning it bypasses your defenses, even if you stack Kabuff on your team. Roseguardin has around 1900 HP, so it shouldn’t take long to bring him down.
(1 of 2) Sir Roseguardin’s critical hits deal a lot of damage
Sir Roseguardin’s critical hits deal a lot of damage (left), He can summon Chillanodons to join in the battle with him (right)
Once you win the battle, speak with the slime to learn that the Flute of Revelation has been broken and he wants to build a new one. However, the wood he needs is quite special, from a forest where faeries live. He will give you the quest, A Rosy Revelation, and you should know where you need to go next. If you don’t know, you’re heading back to the Altar of the Heavenly Bride - The Neverglade. Speak to the woman at the entrance to learn that the Silvapithecus uses a branch of the tree to practice its fencing skills. So, you need to just get in a fight and defeat a single Silvapithecus, which are common enemies here in The Neverglade. Once you do that, you will obtain a Revelatree Branch, so bring it back to the slime in Rose’s Room to finish the quest and receive your reward, a Tempest Shield.
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