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Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance

Episode 14

Jarrod Garripoli
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Nothing major unlocks in this episode, so look around for the free chests in the following locations:

  • On top of the speaker in Seraphina’s room
  • In the “hole” near the Memories NPC
  • In the “hole” near the Memories NPC (yes, both are there)

Flattering Beauty

Enemies Equipment Evility
Lv. 71 Heavyweight Silver Gauntlet, Imperial Crown, Aero Sneakers Pro Tosser
Lv. 71 Middleweight (x2) Silver Gauntlet, Imperial Crown, Aero Sneakers Pro Tosser
Lv. 70 Gladiator (x7) Spiked Ball Hammer, Imperial Crown Wild Cry, Power Axe

There’s nothing special about this battle, as it’s pretty straightforward. You want to be careful around the Wrestlers, as their combination skills of lifting someone and then slamming them down in the next turn is annoying, since that character is unable to battle unless you defeat the Wrestler. The Gladiators’ Power Axe Evility gives them an extra 10% power since they all have an axe equipped. The Wrestlers will also toss their allies around to get them into position so they can attack you on the same turn.

The Wrestlers are still annoying as ever, tossing enemies your way (left). Be careful about getting surrounded in this battle (right).

Inviolable Entrance

Enemies Equipment Evility
Lv. 72 Minerva Lass (x6) Chitragupta, Imperial Crown Assault Attack
Lv. 70 Bandit (x6) Raiden’s Gun, Imperial Crown Thief Skills
Lv. 70 Oniwaban (x2) Souther Staff, Imperial Crown Mirage
Lv. 70 Battle Maiden (x4) Swordsman’s Legend, Imperial Crown Bushido
Lv. 70 Mad Parser (x3) Souther Staff, Raiden’s Gun, Imperial Crown Medical Insertion
Geo Symbols Geo Effect
Green Warp
Red Warp
Blue Warp

There is a Netherworld Effect in this battle, where the ground will be marked at the end of the enemy’s turn and if anyone is standing on those marked spots, then lasers that deal damage will come down at the end of your turn. Any enemies killed by these lasers won’t give experience, but it can be used as a last resort if needed. This is a fairly large map, which is why there are three single Geo Panels at the center, each containing the Warp effect. These will lead you straight into clusters of enemies, so if you feel confident enough, you can do it, but use them at your own discretion.

As far as the enemies go, there is nothing out of the ordinary, as each of them only has their own Unique Evility and nothing else. All of the Minerva Lass are standing around the center, so it’s probably a good idea to start the battle by taking them out. Then you can start going after the other enemies. Attack the Ninja from afar to avoid their evasion bonus when standing next to them and it’s actually beneficial to group characters together for the Battle Maidens. If the Netherworld Effect becomes too annoying, you can always sacrifice a level of the Bonus Gauge to summon your own Netherworld, even if you don’t have an effect equipped.

The Netherworld Effect in this battle will mark the ground first in red (left), then will rain lasers that do damage to friend and foe alike (right).

Sinful Fortress

Enemies Equipment Evility
Lv. 72 Gen. Prinny (x11) Dark Aura, Imperial Crown Explosive Body
Lv. 72 Col. Prinny (x13) Dark Aura, Imperial Crown Explosive Body, Cross Bomber
Geo Symbol Geo Effects
Null No Lifting

This map is fairly linear and covered with panels that give the No Lifting effect, which is annoying because it is littered with Prinnies, the lovable mascot of the Disgaea series that explode when thrown. If you’ve been building up a mage or someone with elemental spells, then it’s possible to hit the Geo Symbol from near your starting position. This will allow you to easily defeat all of the Prinnies by throwing them, but watch out for the Cross Bomber Evility of the Col. Prinnies, as this will make them explode in a straight line (5 panels) instead. If you can’t reach the Geo Symbol, then it’s just a matter of slowly fighting through each set of Prinnies.

Cross Guardian

Enemies Equipment Evility
Lv. 74 Bow Master Harpuia, Passion Vest Support Attack
Lv. 74 Minerva Lass (x2) Fallen Angel Spear, Passion Vest Assault Attack
Lv. 74 Gladiator (x4) Hauteclaire, Passion Vest Wild Cry
Lv. 74 Hitman (x2) Shinatsuhiko’s Gun, Passion Vest Assist
Lv. 72 Middleweight (x6) Lovely Axe, Passion Vest Pro Tosser

Those annoying Wrestlers have returned and should be your first targets no matter what, to avoid their unique skills. The map is split in four directions, with one Wrestler each in three of those and the last one containing three, so head in the latter direction first. Two of the remaining directions will have a Hitman in the back, pegging you with long-ranged attacks, and the third will have a Bow Master doing the same. In addition to the one Wrestler, who should be killed first, are either two Gladiators or two Minerva Lass. If you can bypass them to go after the ranged attackers, then do it and return to clean up the last few enemies. To make matters worse, the Netherworld Effect has returned, but try to get rid of it as soon as possible, since you can get hit with lasers when being held by the Wrestlers.

Hall of the King

Enemies Equipment Evility
Lv. 75 Scharfrichter Cockatrice Beak, Passion Vest Immortal Body, Blood Insanity
Lv. 75 Diabolos (x2) Cockatrice Beak, Passion Vest Immortal Body
Lv. 75 Kill Rider (x8) Cockatrice Beak, Passion Vest Immortal Body

Prior to this battle, Seraphina will awaken to new power, granting her a new Overload skill, True Brionic Gaze , which charms all male units within 5 panels of her and allows you to control them for one turn. She also gains a new Unique Evility, increasing her stats by 25% whenever Killia is also on the map. You can try it out, since she will start with her Revenge Gauge full at the beginning of the battle, although you’ll have to throw her into the middle of the enemy group. You’re fighting nothing but Horsemen in this battle, who will reduce non-elemental damage by 50%. That means a mage is a grand idea here, especially any with Wind, as they are all weak to it (even wind-based skills will do).

True Brionic Gaze, Seraphina’s upgraded Overload, will allow you to actually control the enemies that are affected by it for one turn.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    NIS America
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, Switch
  • Genre
    Tactical RPG
  • Guide Release
    5 November 2015
  • Last Updated
    29 June 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Jarrod Garripoli

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There are three major areas in the Disgaea universe, Celestia, which is home to the angels, the Human World, and the Netherworlds. The Netherworlds are split up into a bunch of different ones, each governed by an Overlord, who has their own set of rules. Those very same Netherworlds are now in danger of being destroyed or taken over by an evil army known as The Lost, who is being led Void Dark. However, a ray of hope appears in the form of Killia, who seems to have a deep grudge against Void Dark. Can he really go through the rumored 10 billion Lost soldiers and exact his revenge against Void?

Let us guide you on the epic journey from Level 1 to Level 9999, as you shoot, punch and fry enemies with various skills in our Disgaea 5 comprehensive guide!

  • Detailed strategies on getting through the main story;
  • How to get through the postgame content, including beat the super optional boss;
  • Create and power up a character that can deal in excess of 10 billion damage;
  • Get the most out of the Item and Chara Worlds;
  • Obtain every single trophy in the game.

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