This bill ( Restore Toto Bunny ) costs 5,000 Mana to propose and has a base chance of 15% for approval. It is unlocked after completing the main story and first entering the postgame.
Reviving Evil¶
Enemies | Equipment | Evility |
Lv. 300 Majorita | Eclipse Wand, Eclipse Wand, Hachiryu Armor | Queen of Coffins, Double Bladed |
Lv. 300 Elbaccie (x5) | Fenrir’s Fang, Hachiryu Armor | Weakening Aura, Hypered |
The Elbaccie all have the Hypered Evility, making them so they will always be giant, thus increasing their stats some. They also have Weakening Aura, meaning they will take lesser damage than usual from Humanoid units. Luckily, Majorita doesn’t have her Overload skill (none at all), so you are free to attack and kill the Elbaccie without having to worry about them being revived. The catch is that each one you defeat will increase her attack by 10%, so you are left at wit’s end on how to defeat the enemies. Of course, as you can see from their levels, you will want to be around there or have some nicely leveled equipment (both will help immensely).
Try to take out the Elbaccie near your Base Panel (left), before Majorita and the others come to join in the fun (right).
As for skills, Majorita has access to the entire Star line, up to and including Omega Star, as well as her unique skills. The Elbaccie have their normal moves, but they can only use Giant Press, especially if your characters are all bunched up together. Your first turn should be spent trying to get rid of one of the Elbaccie, which I suggest is the breaking point of this map. If it takes you two turn to defeat one with your characters, then you might not be ready and should return to grinding/powering up more. This is the case because after the second turn is over, the rest of the enemies on the map will come after you. It will probably take Majorita and the others near her to get to your positions near your Base Panel two turns, so you have until then to at least wipe out two of the Elbaccie near your starting position.
Hypocrites Sigh¶
Enemies | Equipment | Evility |
Lv. 500 Majorita | Eclipse Wand, Eclipse Wand, Hachiryu Armor | Queen of Coffins, Double Bladed, Malicious Reflect |
Lv. 400 Immortal Fox | Angel’s Medal, Hachiryu Armor | Good Fortune |
Lv. 400 Observer | Fenrir’s Fang, Hachiryu Armor | Spreading Miasma |
Lv. 400 Dinasy | Angel’s Medal, Hachiryu Armor | Magic Creation |
Lv. 400 Fungus | Fenrir’s Fang, Hachiryu Armor | Shroom Power |
There’s some good news and bad news with this battle. The bad news is that Majorita’s level has shot up to 500, so you’ll likely need to grind some more if you barely scraped by with the previous battle. In addition to the same two Evilities as last time, she also has Malicious Reflect, which sends back 10% of the damage you inflicted onto her. The good news is that those four enemies by her will Dual Magichange onto her weapons on the first turn, essentially making this a one-on-one fight, but Majorita will gain all four of their Evilities. She has the same exact skills as last time, in addition to the Magichange ones. The upside to this is that her Queen of Coffins Evility is essentially useless, as the units aren’t defeated and she won’t gain the 40% extra attack.
You will notice at the beginning of the battle that there’s a large area of yellow Geo Panels, all granting the Enemy Boost +50% effect. Unfortunately, you can’t get to the top of the map via the paths, due to the No Entry effect in place. If you’ve been using a magic user with great range (and the Expand Evility), toss her/him into the middle area and target the Enemy Boost +50% symbol right away to get rid of the effect. Should that character survive the next turn, then target the No Entry symbol to make the leftover panels into a DEF -50% effect. This will be your base of operations, as you will want to have someone (preferably your weakest character) toss Majorita onto the panels with that effect before attacking her. If you have enough damage, then you should easily defeat her and end the battle.
Majorita will have four extra Evilities, thanks to the Magichanged monsters (left). If you have a mage with a level 99 spell, they should be able to hit the Enemy Boost symbol (right) from the middle area.
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