A staple of the Disgaea series, Geo Symbols (and their respective Geo Panels) have been included in every single game, in some form or another. Geo Symbols can make an otherwise normal map quite complex. Symbols are the pyramid-shaped objects you see on some maps, with are always accompanied by colored panels, which are Geo Panels. Geo Symbols provide effects, which can be either bad or good, to whoever is standing on the corresponding Geo Panel.
As an example, you have an ATK +50% Symbol resting on a red Geo Panel will grant that effect to anyone who is standing on red panels on the map. So, you have some Geo Symbols on the map that are providing some bad effects for your characters (or good ones for the enemies) and you want to get rid of them. Well, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them.
Geo Symbols have a variety of effects, some good and some bad (left). Destroying a symbol can sometimes cause a chain (right), which can be beneficial on many levels.
One of the first methods to getting rid of Geo Symbols is by attacking and defeating them, as if they were enemies. Another way to do this is to pick up one Symbol and throw it at another Symbol, or even an enemy. There is something special that happens whenever you destroy a Geo Symbol that is on a Geo Panel, although it depends on the color of them both. As an example, destroying a red symbol sitting on a red panel will do nothing, but if that same symbol is blue, then all of the red panels on the map will turn blue.
Any characters, both enemy and ally alike, sitting on the panels whenever they change colors will take some damage. Also, any other symbols sitting on the panels that are changing colors will be instantly destroyed, with those ones also triggering color changes. The only exception to this is in relation to the Null symbol, which will destroy the Geo Panels it is resting on whenever it is destroyed.
This constant changing of colors is known as a Geo Chain and it is very useful in building up the Bonus Gauge on maps. There is one other special thing in regards to the Null Geo symbol that needs said. If it manages to destroy all of the Geo Panels on the map during a Geo Chain, then it will trigger a blast of light that will deal some damage to only the enemies.
Geo Effects¶
Geo Symbol | Geo Effect |
Damage 20% | Damage is dealt every turn to units on Panel |
Recovery 20% | Heals every turn to units on Panel |
EXP +50% | Gain more EXP when defeating a unit on Panel |
HL +50% | Gain more HL when defeating a unit on Panel |
ATK +50% | ATK power increases for units on Panel |
ATK -50% | ATK power decreases for units on Panel |
DEF +50% | DEF increases for units on Panel |
DEF -50% | DEF decreases for units on Panel |
Attack Times +1 | Increases number of hits for units on Panel |
Evade | Increases evasion for units on Panel |
Geo Symbol | Geo Effect |
Silence | No Specials can be used by units on Panel |
Enemy Boost +50% | Increases stats and abilities for enemies on Panel |
Enemy Turbo x3 | Super boosts stats and abilities for enemies on Panel |
Clone | One clone is made per turn of a unit on Panel (enemy only) |
Warp | Every turn, randomly warps every unit on Panel |
No Entry | Unable to pass or throw through Panel |
No Lifting | Unable to lift units on Panel |
NoColorChange | Color Change prohibited on Panel |
Ally Damage 50% | Damage is dealt every turn to ally units on Panel (your characters only) |
Invincible | No damage is take by units on Panel |
Geo Symbol | Geo Effect |
Movement +1 | Mobility increases for units on Panel |
Movement -1 | Mobility decreases for units on Panel |
No Melee | No melee attacks can be used by units on Panel |
No Ranged | No ranged attacks can be used by units on Panel |
Fire Element +50% | Increases Fire Element for units on Panel |
Fire Element -50% | Decreases Fire Element for units on Panel |
Wind Element +50% | Increases Wind Element for units on Panel |
Wind Element -50% | Decreases Wind Element for units on Panel |
Water Element +50% | Increases Water Element for units on Panel |
Water Element -50% | Decreases Water Element for units on Panel |
Geo Symbol | Geo Effect |
Deathblow | One landing blow will instantly kill unit on Panel |
No Tower | No tower attacks can be used by units on Panel |
Encroach | Panels expand outward away from the Panel |
Enemy Level Up 10% | Level up every turn for enemy units on Panel |
Fusion | Enemy units will combine if on Panel |
Reverse Damage | Damage is reversed for unit on Panel |
Mana +50% | Gain more Mana when defeating a unit on Panel |
DisperseDamage | Damage is split between units of same faction on Panel |
LV 7 Boost | Stat boost if last digit of unit level is 7 on Panel |
LV 4 Weaken | Stat decrease if last digit of unit level is 4 on Panel |
Geo Symbol | Geo Effect |
HP/SP Switch | HP and SP damage dealt is flipped for unit on Panel |
Enemy Weaken -50% | Decreases stats and abilities for enemies on Panel |
Treasure Panel | Treasure Chest appears when defeating an enemy on Panel |
Magic Range +1 | Magic Range increases for units on Panel |
Magic Range -1 | Magic Range decreases for units on Panel |
Jumping Power +50% | Jumping power increases for units on Panel |
Counters +1 | Increases number of counter attacks for units on Panel |
Ally Boost +50% | Increases stats and abilities for allies on Panel |
Mighty Enemy | No damage taken by enemies on Panel |
Absolute Area | Invincible, No Lifting, No Entry for units on Panel |
Geo Symbol | Geo Effect |
Always Counter | Always counter attack (max 20) with units on Panel |
Lonely | One unit from each faction can enter Panel |
Ally Lonely | One ally can enter Panel |
No Humanoids | No humanoids can enter Panel |
No Monsters | No monsters can enter Panel |
SP Heal | Heals SP by 10% every turn to units on Panel |
SP Damage | 10% SP damage is dealt every turn to units on Panel |
Super Encroach | Panels expand onto panels adjacent to Panel |
Stage Clear | Stage Clear upon ending turn if ally unit is on Panel |
Game Over | Game Over upon ending turn if any unit is on Panel |
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