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Pokémon: Sun & Moon

Seafolk Village

Vincent Lau
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Seafolk Village is the only town on Poni Island.

Pokémon Encounters - Seafolk Village

Name Type Location (Encounter Rate)
"Magikarp" IconMagikarp Water Fishing (79%, 50% Bubbling Spot)
"Wailmer" IconWailmer Water Fishing (20%, 40% Bubbling Spot)
"Dhelmise" IconDhelmise Ghost/Grass Fishing (1%, 10% Bubbling Spot)
"Gyarados" IconGyarados Water/Flying (SOS only) Possible ally Pokemon for "Magikarp" IconMagikarp
"Wailord" IconWailord Water (SOS only) Possible ally Pokemon for "Wailmer" IconWailmer

This is it! There were some bumps along the way, but you made it to the final island! You’ll start off towards the south of the village. If you head east from here, you can catch a ferry to Melemele Island, Akala Island or Aether Paradise. Or you could just call "Charizard" IconCharizard to glide there in seconds.

Going north will take you towards the middle of the village where Lillie is waiting for you. Before you reach the middle, there are a pair of house boats on either side of the walkway. To the west is a boat shaped like a "Huntail" IconHuntail from the Hoenn region.

Inside, listen to the man with the "Pelipper" IconPelipper go on to receive a Magmarizer and an Electirizer , who can evolve "Magmar" IconMagmar and "Electabuzz" IconElectabuzz if they’re traded while holding one. That’s not all for gifts; chat to the Ace Trainer in the corner to adopt a rare "Aerodactyl" IconAerodactyl . Score!

Meanwhile, towards the east is a boat shaped like a "Whiscash" IconWhiscash. Although there’s nothing to find inside, besides the telltale signs of an eccentric painter. After you’re finished with your preliminary sightseeing, head towards Lillie in the middle of the village to get your bearings.

You’ll be recommended to visit Hapu who lives past the Poni Wilds, not far from here. Before setting out into the wilds, you should take a look around the rest of the village, especially the Pokemon Centre. From your current location, you can head west to visit the floating restaurant.

It’s the one shaped like a "Wailord" IconWailord. Here, you can pay a humble 500 Poke Dollars for a meal; after chowing down your food, you will receive 1 Heart Scale . Before leaving, look under the table in the south-west corner to pick up the wallet you dropped.

Just trying to scare you! You’ll find a "Zygarde" IconZygarde Cell (68) snuggling underneath. East from the village centre is a boat shaped like a… "Steelix" IconSteelix? Um, does Steelix even float? Anyway, chat to the Rising Star on the sofa to receive a Lucky Punch for "Chansey" IconChansey.

The Veteran on the other sofa wants to see an Alolan "Raichu" IconRaichu. Show her the cute lil’ fella and you’ll receive an Aloraichium Z . Have an Alolan Raichu hold this Z-Crystal to transform its Thunderbolt move into an exclusive Z-Move. If your Raichu doesn’t have Thunderbolt, don’t fret.

Later, you can visit the Move Reminder to teach Raichu Thunderbolt; there’s a TM for the move as well. Below the ladies is a door that you can use to reach the side of the Steelix boat. Here, there’s a TM91 Flash Cannon to be found in the corner.

You can also fish for rare Pokemon and trinkets. Towards the north-east side of the village centre is a Veteran pondering while staring at the sea. She wants to trade her "Steenee" IconSteenee for your "Granbull" IconGranbull. Neither are particularly rare Pokemon, so do want you will.

It’s finally Raichu’s time to shine!

Past the village centre is the Pokemon Centre in the north-west corner and another suspicious empty lot in the north-east corner. Over in the empty lot, you can find a Zygarde Cell (69) in front of the miscellaneous pile. Further north is the exit to Poni Wilds.

Before leaving the village, be sure to visit the PMC. Oops, that must be Hau rubbing off on us. Inside, the Ace Trainer between the cafe area and the nurse can teach Draco Meteor to your compatible Dragon-type Pokemon if they have maximum Happiness.

Meanwhile, the red shirted man below the Poke Mart will offer to teach "Rayquaza" IconRayquaza its signature move Dragon Ascent. This move is also required for Rayquaza to Mega Evolve into its game-breaking form.

Speaking of the Poke Mart, the right clerk is selling a bunch of super powerful TMs. We say super powerful, but they have their drawbacks like low accuracy. For the main story, it may be preferable to stick with your not as strong, but 100% accurate moves instead.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    11 December 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun

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