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Pokémon: Sun & Moon

Route 12 - Blush Mountain

Vincent Lau
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The road from here is rougher, quite literally.

Pokémon Encounters - Route 12

Name Type Location (Encounter Rate)
"Geodude" IconGeodude* Rock/Electric Grass (40%)
"Elekid" IconElekid Electric Grass (10%)
"Torkoal" IconTorkoal Fire Grass (20%)
"Mudbray" IconMudbray Ground Grass (30%)
"Electabuzz" IconElectabuzz Electric (SOS only) Possible ally Pokemon for "Elekid" IconElekid
"Chansey" IconChansey Normal (SOS only) Possible ally Pokemon for "Elekid" IconElekid

*** Indicates Alolan form**

You’ve got another full route to explore before reaching the next island trial. Try your best to relax and travel at your own pace. Go forward a few paces to bump into Hapu. She’ll add Musdale Gallop to your Ride Pager; fantastic since you can’t proceed without it!

East from here is a harsh rocky path that’s impossible to traverse normally. Towards the north of this natural obstacle is the boss trainer of this route; he won’t indulge you in a battle until you’ve bested the other trainers.

Anyway, use the Ride Pager to call "Mudsdale" IconMudsdale, then gallop south-east across the rock path. On the other side, be sure to grab the Burn Heal along the north, between the rock path and the rock mound. It can be hard to see during the day, but below the rock mound is a "Zygarde" IconZygarde Cell (40) .

After that, gallop east past the tall grass and towards the next rock path. If you leave the rock path via the south-east, you’ll reach a wide road where a pair of trainers are waiting to ambush you. Although if you keep to the east, you can simply sneak behind them.

Punk Pair Yoko and Lane

Pokemon Level Type
"Pancham" IconPancham 29 Fighting
"Krokorok" IconKrokorok 29 Ground/Dark

"Pancham" IconPancham is a Pokemon native to Routes 10 and 11. It’s a plain ol’ Fighting-type so you should know the score.

"Krokorok" IconKrokorok is the middle evolution of "Sandile" IconSandile. This sand crocodile is weak to Water, Grass, Ice, Fighting and Fairy-types.

A few paces south-east from the dubious pair is another Zygarde Cell (41) . After checking that your bag isn’t bursting, carry on south through the tall grass. Past here, gallop across the rock path, while keeping to the east. On the other side, follow the path through the tall grass.

Down below, there’s a trainer wandering around, looking for a fight.

Rising Star Matthew

Pokemon Level Type
"Cranidos" IconCranidos 30 Rock

A Fossil Pokemon that you can resurrect from the Skull Fossil if playing Pokemon Sun. It has monstrous Attack, so take it out quick with Water, Grass, Ground, Steel or Fighting-types.

After beating him or otherwise, head east around the east patch of tall grass or through it. At the far end is a Hyper Potion that somebody must have left behind. South from Matthew is another rock path that leads towards the exit.

Instead of going that way, return to the Punk Pair. Next, head west through the narrow path between the hills. You’ll emerge in an area with tall grass. Follow the grass around clock-wise. Towards the bottom, you’ll get jumped by a trainer.

Rising Star Leilani

Pokemon Level Type
"Tirtouga" IconTirtouga 30 Rock/Water

A Fossil Pokemon that you can resurrect from the Cover Fossil in Pokemon Sun. Its Achilles Heel is Grass-type moves, although Electric, Fighting and Ground-types work well too.

Walk towards Leilani, then head south to retrieve an Elixir . Next, go south from the south-east corner of this enclosed area. At the end of the narrow path, you’ll need to wade through the tall grass to continue. Make your way to the south-west corner to exit to the other side.

Past here, you’ll arrive at what is effectively the endpoint of the route, although we’re only halfway done exploring. To the west is the path leading to Blush Mountain, home to the Geothermal Power Plant. It’s a small area, so we may as well visit it now.

Blush Mountain

A tiny side area that’s great for catching a breather.

Pokémon Encounters - Blush Mountain

Follow the road north-west. Before long, you’ll come across a trainer at the edge of the tall grass. If fighting’s not your thing, you can easily sneak behind him.

Name Types(s) Location (Encounter Rate)
"Geodude" IconGeodude* Rock/Electric All grass (30%)
"Elekid" IconElekid Electric All grass (10%)
"Torkoal" IconTorkoal Fire All grass (10% Sun, 20% Moon)
"Charjabug" IconCharjabug Bug/Electric All grass (10%)
"Mudbray" IconMudbray Ground All grass (20%)
"Turtonator" IconTurtonator (Sun only) Fire/Dragon All grass (10%)
"Togedemaru" IconTogedemaru Electric/Steel All grass (10%)
"Electabuzz" IconElectabuzz Electric (SOS only) Possible ally Pokemon for "Elekid" IconElekid
"Chansey" IconChansey Normal (SOS only) Possible ally Pokemon for "Elekid" IconElekid

*** Indicates Alolan form.**

Office Worker Shane

Pokemon Level Type
"Psyduck" IconPsyduck 29 Water
"Fearow" IconFearow 30 Normal/Flying

Both Pokemon that are weak to Electric-types. Nothing that will stretch your noggin’ at any rate.

In the tall grass behind Shane, search around the middle to discover a hidden Zinc . You also catch sight of a Zygarde Cell (42) north from here, by the side of the pile of rocks. From here, head south-west towards the next row of tall grass.

In the far south-west corner, past the tall grass, is a Sun Stone , which can be all yours. Likewise, if you’ve got good vision, you should notice another item north from her, to the side of the red truck. Go up to discover it’s a Timer Ball .

Carry on north towards the metal fence. Get up real close to the north-west corner for a surprising Photo Spot. Once you’re all done here, head east towards the entrance to the Geothermal Power Plant. Inside, chat to the researcher in the back to receive TM63 Embargo .

After promising to keep your mouth shut, go towards the south-west corner of the room. Your fellow sightseeing buddy, Samson Oak is here as well. Speak to him to receive a rare Lure Ball . That’s all for now; exit the building and return to Route 12.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    11 December 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun

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Welcome to Alola, a region of tropical islands, filled with gorgeous natural beauty and Pokemon never seen before. Having recently moved to Alola, your journey begins soon afterwards. Your adventures will be filled with fascinating and colorful people with quirky island traditions and of course Pokémon. Delight in the mysteries of the brand new Alola region as your travels take you the length and breadth of the region and the secrets of the legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala are finally unveiled.

Our massive and comprehensive guide includes the following:

  • A full route and trial battle guide covering your journey from Pokémon novice to eventual Champion.

  • All dungeons and Rite of the Island challenges covered.

  • Detailed breeding and capture guide, including locations for every Pokémon as well as information on the new Alolan forms.

  • Gameplay strategies to maximise your team potential as well as details on Hyper Training.

  • Minigames and secrets uncovered.

  • An explanation of the brand new Rotom Pokédex and loads more!

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