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Pokémon: Sun & Moon

TM51 to 100

Vincent Lau
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The following tables will tell you how to obtain Technical Machines 50 - 100. Since TMs are infinite use, there’s only one of each TM in the game, so it’s well worth your while to track them all done. The tables are done in sets of 10.

TM51 - 60

TM Location
51 - Steel Wing Malie City Pokemon Center: Purchase for 10,000 Pokedollars
52 - Focus Blast Seafolk Village Pokemon Center: Purchase for 30,000 Pokedollars
53 - Energy Ball Route 8: Access via Lush Forest. You will need "Machamp" IconMachamp
54 - False Swipe Gift from Professor Kukui after you defeat Kahuna Hala
55 - Scald Route 5, east of the second pool
56 - Fling Gift from a woman carried by "Machamp" IconMachamp in Hau’oli Cemetery
57 - Charge Beam Route 5, at a dead end
58 - Sky Drop Route 8: Defeat all trainers, then challenge the “route kahuna” to receive as gift
59 - Brutal Swing Route 5, at a dead end
60 - Quash Poni Plains: Defeat all trainers, challenge the “route kahuna” to receive as gift

TM61 - 70

TM Location
61 - Will-o-Wisp Konikoni City: Access via "Diglett" IconDiglett’s Tunnel
62 - Acrobatics Ten Carat Hill: Back room
63 - Embargo Geothermal Power Plant: Gift from the Scientist with a "Magnemite" IconMagnemite
64 - Explosion Melemele Sea: You will need "Sharpedo" IconSharpedo Jet
65 - Shadow Claw Konikoni City TM Shop: Purchase for 10,000 Pokedollars
66 - Payback Malie City Pokemon Center: Purchase for 10,000 Pokedollars
67 - Smart Strike Gift from Professor Kukui after defeating Trial Captain Mallow
68 - Giga Impact Seafolk Village Pokemon Center: Purchase for 50,000 Pokedollars
69 - Rock Polish Malie City Pokemon Center: Purchase for 10,000 Pokedollars
70 - Aurora Veil Heahea City Pokemon Center: Purchase for 30,000 Pokedollars

TM71 - 80

TM Location
71 - Stone Edge Seafolk Village Pokemon Center: Purchase for 30,000 Pokedollars
72 - Volt Switch Route 10, off the road at the edge of a cliff
73 - Thunder Wave Route 7, Surf with "Lapras" IconLapras and run around fishing spot in middle island
74 - Gyro Ball Route 11, in a thicket of trees
75 - Swords Dance Malie City Pokemon Center: Purchase for 10,000 Pokedollars
76 - Fly Malie City Library: Gift from NPC
77 - Psych Up Route 12: Defeat all trainers, challenge the “route kahuna” and receive as gift
78 - Bulldoze Malie City Pokemon Center: Purchase for 10,000 Pokedollars
79 - Frost Breath Ancient Poni Path: Access via Poni Breaker Coast
80 - Rock Slide Melemele Sea, in the sand

TM81 - TM90

TM Location
81 - X-Scissor Route 16, right next to the Aether Lab
82 - Dragon Tail Konikoni City TM Shop: Purchase for 10,000 Pokedollars
83 - Infestation Route 3, you will need "Tauros" IconTauros
84 - Poison Jab Route 17, jump down the leftmost ledges
85 - Dream Eater Haina Desert: From entrance, go up, right, up, right, left, down
86 - Grass Knot Lush Jungle: Enter from the back
87 - Swagger Route 2: Gift from Guzma’s mother after you become the champion
88 - Sleep Talk Paniola Town: Enter from Route 6
89 - U-Turn Malie City Pokemon Center: Purchase for 10,000 Pokedollars
90 - Substitute Gift from Professor Kukui in the Pokemon Research Lab

TM91 - 100

TM Location
91 - Flash Cannon Seafolk Village, on the "Steelix" IconSteelix boat
92 - Trick Room Hano Grand Hotel: Gift from Kahili after you become the champion
93 - Wild Charge Route 15, on the large flat square
94 - Surf Poni Breaker Coast: Defeat two bikini women who are next to each other
95 - Snarl Route 10: Defeat all trainers, challenge “route kahuna”, receive as gift
96 - Nature Power Route 5: Defeat all trainers, challenge “route kahuna”, receive as gift
97 - Dark Pulse Poni Coast, jump down a ledge
98 - Waterfall Poni Breaker Coast: Defeat two bikini women who are next to each other
99 - Dazzling Gleam Vast Poni Canyon, through a small tunnel
100 - Confide Hau’oli Cemetery, outside the hedge
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    11 December 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun

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Welcome to Alola, a region of tropical islands, filled with gorgeous natural beauty and Pokemon never seen before. Having recently moved to Alola, your journey begins soon afterwards. Your adventures will be filled with fascinating and colorful people with quirky island traditions and of course Pokémon. Delight in the mysteries of the brand new Alola region as your travels take you the length and breadth of the region and the secrets of the legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala are finally unveiled.

Our massive and comprehensive guide includes the following:

  • A full route and trial battle guide covering your journey from Pokémon novice to eventual Champion.

  • All dungeons and Rite of the Island challenges covered.

  • Detailed breeding and capture guide, including locations for every Pokémon as well as information on the new Alolan forms.

  • Gameplay strategies to maximise your team potential as well as details on Hyper Training.

  • Minigames and secrets uncovered.

  • An explanation of the brand new Rotom Pokédex and loads more!

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