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Pokémon: Sun & Moon

Route 5 - South Side

Vincent Lau
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Your last chance to train and prepare for the 2nd trial.

Pokémon Encounters - Route 5

Name Types(s) Location (Encounter Rate)
"Caterpie" IconCaterpie Bug All grass south of Pokémon Center (10%)
"Metapod" IconMetapod Bug All grass south of Pokémon Center (9%)
"Butterfree" IconButterfree Bug/Flying All grass south of Pokémon Center (1%)
"Lillipup" IconLillipup Normal All grass south of Pokémon Center (30%)
"Pikipek" IconPikipek Normal/Flying All grass south of Pokémon Center (20%)
"Grubbin" IconGrubbin Bug All grass south of Pokémon Center (10%)
"Fomantis" IconFomantis Grass All grass south of Pokémon Center (20%)
"Crabrawler" IconCrabrawler Fighting Berry Tree pile (100%)

It’s been a fairly long road, but you’re almost at the site of the next trial. In fact, you’ll find it at the end of this route. By the entrance, speak to the trial guide and he’ll ask you to come back after you’ve defeated all the trainers on Route 5.

As if we needed an excuse to go and beat them up! Start your conquest of Route 5 by heading up and catching the attention of the nearby twins. You will be challenged to a Double Battle, so check your second Pokemon is fighting fit as well.

Twins Isa and Nico

Pokemon Level Type
"Happiny" IconHappiny 15 Normal
"Igglybuff" IconIgglybuff 15 Normal/Fairy

Literally a pair of babies. Have your Fighting-type slam down on "Happiny" IconHappiny and your Poison or Steel types lay waste to "Igglybuff" IconIgglybuff. Somebody’s got to show them the harshness of life sooner or later…

Next, travel north along the road between the trial guide and twins. When the path branches, turn right. Grab the Super Potion in the corner, then step into the tall grass ahead.

Carefully make your way east, while keeping to the north for now. When it appears, head into the safe area above, then proceed east from it, up the slope and towards the dead end. Search around here for an elusive Star Piece . Just in case you’re running out of things to sell.

After that, step back into the tall grass and travel south-west. Go up the slope, then follow the rocky path north-east and around. Towards the north, pick up TM41 Torment , sitting comfortably above the geyser After that, leap off the ledge at the end.

From here, head west back towards the northbound path. To the south is a Pokemon breeder that you can fight if you want.

Pokemon Breeder Yuka

Pokemon Level Type
"Morelull" IconMorelull 15 Grass/Fairy
"Ledyba" IconLedyba 16 Bug/Flying

Ooh, a new Pokemon. "Morelull" IconMorelull is 4x weak to Poison, so if you have any Poison Pokemon or moves, you know what to do. Otherwise, Fire or Steel moves are very effective as well.

"Ledyba" IconLedyba is an easier read. You can drop it instantly with Rock-type moves or take it down pretty fast with Fire, Flying or Electric moves–all very common.

Further north, there’s nothing to see and the path to the left is being blocked by a pair of squatters. For now, return south towards the entrance, then make your way north-west, past the twins and towards the next destination marker. You’ll find Hau and a trainer who won’t take no for an answer.

Team Skull Gladion

Pokemon Level Type
"Zubat" IconZubat 17 Poison/Flying
"Type: Null" IconType: Null 18 Normal

"Zubat" IconZubat, you should know how to deal with. Electric, Rock, Psychic, it’s all good. "Type: Null" IconType: Null is an entirely different beast. It’s a plain Normal-type and only uses Tackle and Pursuit, but it has great all-around stats and can be a threat for a rookie team.

As usual, Fighting-type Pokemon have a clear advantage, while your starter Pokemon or other high level and/or durable Pokemon wouldn’t be amiss.

After the battle, you’ll receive 3 Revives from Hau. Good chap. Well, you’re about halfway done here. Shall we move on? From your current position, head south-west along the westbound path. Keep clear of the tall grass for a moment, until it ends.

At that point, head north through the tall grass to find TM57 Charge Beam waiting at the far end. Return south and carry on west, past the passive Rising Star and through the tall grass. After the corner, there’s a trainer pacing back and fro.

Pokemon Breeder Cory

Pokemon Level Type
"Paras" IconParas 15 Grass/Bug
"Spinarak" IconSpinarak 16 Bug/Poison

Poor "Paras" IconParas is 4x weak to Fire and Flying moves. Which is a good thing since it can be annoying with its status moves. "Spinarak" IconSpinarak is no problem for a decent Fire, Flying, Rock or Psychic Pokemon.

Around here, by the corner, you can find another of those berry piles. As always be prepared for any sudden ambushes from hungry "Crabrawler" IconCrabrawler. Beyond to the north is the main path and, well within walking distance, the Pokemon Center.

If you need to rest, head inside now. Otherwise, run east to take on another pair of trainers in a Double Battle.

Rising Star Duo Lauren and Justin

Pokemon Level Type
"Vullaby" IconVullaby 17 Dark/Flying
"Rufflet" IconRufflet 17 Normal/Flying

Both bird Pokemon and both Flying-types. Electric or Rock-type Pokemon are recommended here, although you can nail "Vullaby" IconVullaby with Fairy moves too. Vullaby is pretty bulky, so try to focus on removing "Rufflet" IconRufflet first.

There’s more to Route 5 and more trainers to be found. But you won’t be getting there any time soon, so return to the Pokemon Centre and head on inside if you haven’t already been.

Near the cafe area, the man standing in front of the red stand wants to see a "Feebas" IconFeebas. You can fish for it in Brooklet Hill, but keep in mind it’s extremely rare–although you have a better chance if the fishing spot is bubbling. Come back after catching Feebas to get 3000 Poke Dollars .

The Rising Star wants to trade your "Lillipup" IconLillipup for his "Bounsweet" IconBounsweet. This is a pretty sweet deal (pun not intended), since Lillipup is commonly found between Route 4 and Route 5, while Bounsweet is found later on. Not to mention you’ve got the Water-type trial next.

Speaking of which, the trial site is located a short distance west from the Pokemon Centre. Unlike earlier, you can exit the trial site at any time before facing the Totem Pokemon. Still, check that your Pokemon are all healthy and you’ve got all the items that you need before entering.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
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  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    11 December 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun

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Welcome to Alola, a region of tropical islands, filled with gorgeous natural beauty and Pokemon never seen before. Having recently moved to Alola, your journey begins soon afterwards. Your adventures will be filled with fascinating and colorful people with quirky island traditions and of course Pokémon. Delight in the mysteries of the brand new Alola region as your travels take you the length and breadth of the region and the secrets of the legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala are finally unveiled.

Our massive and comprehensive guide includes the following:

  • A full route and trial battle guide covering your journey from Pokémon novice to eventual Champion.

  • All dungeons and Rite of the Island challenges covered.

  • Detailed breeding and capture guide, including locations for every Pokémon as well as information on the new Alolan forms.

  • Gameplay strategies to maximise your team potential as well as details on Hyper Training.

  • Minigames and secrets uncovered.

  • An explanation of the brand new Rotom Pokédex and loads more!

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