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Pokémon: Sun & Moon

Route 8 - An Oceanside View

Vincent Lau
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A simple route to let off steam after your fiery trial.

Pokémon Encounters - Route 8

Name Types(s) Location (Encounter Rate)
"Trumbeak" IconTrumbeak Normal/Flying All grass (30%)
"Yungoos" IconYungoos Normal All grass (30%, Day only)
"Rattata" IconRattata* Dark/Normal All grass (30%, Night only)
"Salandit" IconSalandit Poison/Fire All grass (20%)
"Fletchinder" IconFletchinder Fire/Flying All grass (15%)
"Stufful" IconStufful Normal/Fighting All grass (5%)
"Crabrawler" IconCrabrawler Fighting Berry Tree pile (100%)
"Wimpod" IconWimpod Bug/Water Chasing "Wimpod" IconWimpod (100%)
"Pikipek" IconPikipek Normal/Flying (SOS only) Possible ally Pokemon for "Trumbeak" IconTrumbeak

*** indicates Alolan form.**

Name Types(s) Location (Encounter Rate)
"Tentacool" IconTentacool Poison/Fire Surfing (40%)
"Finneon" IconFinneon Water Surfing (40%)
"Wingull" IconWingull Water/Flying Surfing (20%)
"Magikarp" IconMagikarp Water Fishing (79%, 60% Bubbling Spot)
"Wishiwashi" IconWishiwashi Water Fishing (20%)
"Chinchou" IconChinchou Water/Electric Fishing (1%, 20% Bubbling Spot)
"Gyarados" IconGyarados Water/Flying (SOS only) Possible ally Pokemon for "Magikarp" IconMagikarp

This lengthy route stretches across the entire north side of Akala Island. Most of it is road though. Anyway, start by heading north towards the route sign. To the side is a female Ace Trainer who won’t bat an eyelid until you’ve beaten the other trainers here.

Carry on north past the route sign. Here, there’s a woman staring at the sea. Search the grass mound towards the east for a Max Repel . Return to the main road and slowly head west. Along the north, go up to the trailer. Pick up the "Zygarde" IconZygarde Cell (25) by the stairs, then go inside.

The female Aether employee just ahead wants you to catch a "Stufful" IconStufful found on this route. Show her a Stufful and you’ll earn a decent 5,000 Poke Dollars . Try and continue west and you’ll be stopped by… whoa, it’s Colress from Pokemon Black 2 and White 2!

He’s not looking for a battle; rather, he has a gift for you in the form of TM43 Flame Charge . The upcoming trial is the Grass-type trial, so this TM could be very useful. Hopefully you also caught some Fire-type Pokemon from Wela Volcano Park or elsewhere.

After that insightful chat, you should continue on your way. If you want, you can check the south side of the Aether Foundation trailer for a sneaky Photo Spot. Next, head straight into the nearby tall grass and navigate north-east

Past the tall grass, follow the narrow path east. On the other side, pick up the Big Pearl at the far corner. From here, you can leap over the ledge below to return to where you found the hidden Max Repel. Then go back south to the main road.

West from the tall grass is an almost symmetrical area of tall grass. Circling the grass mound between the tall grass and the road is a stubborn Pokemon trainer. You can evade her by traveling south.

Backpacker Kiana

Pokemon Level Type
"Eevee" IconEevee 20 Normal

"Eevee" IconEevee, the Pokemon with tons of potential, but a weak Pokemon in itself. Fighting Pokemon will end this battle quick, while Rock and Steel-types are sure to outlast anything Eevee throws at it.

Past here, there’s a male Rising Star standing at the edge of higher ground. Try to run past him and you’ll run into a fight. If you want to avoid a battle, you’ll need to go through the tall grass east from him, then go up the slope and sneak behind him.

Rising Star Mikey

Pokemon Level Type
"Bounsweet" IconBounsweet 20 Grass
"Trumbeak" IconTrumbeak 21 Normal/Flying

Mikey starts with a pure Grass-type Pokemon that you might be well acquainted with. It’s weak to Fire, Flying, Poison and Bug moves.

"Trumbeak" IconTrumbeak is the middle evolution of "Pikipek" IconPikipek. It’s a bit stronger, but still easily dispatched with Electric or Rock Pokemon. Steel-types are good too.

After you’ve defeated Mikey or stealthily got past him, go and pick up the Hyper Potion in the corner west from him, on lower ground. Next, head south from here to find an easily-missed bunch of tall grass; at the far end is a Miracle Seed .

Useful for Grass-types before you get Grassium Z.

Return to the main road and approach the slope leading to higher ground. Search the corner west from the slope to find a hidden Adrenaline Orb . After that, ascend the slope and head west through the tall grass towards the berry pile.

Continuing west along the road will send you towards the gaze of the female Rising Star. Meanwhile going along the higher path will send you behind her.

Rising Sar Nicki

Pokemon Level Type
"Miltank" IconMiltank 21 Normal

This silly cow can be stronger than it looks. It has fairly solid stats and can use Bide to double damage sustained within 2 turns and Milk Drink to restore HP. The easiest solution is to send out a powerful Fighting Pokemon. Or you can buff your Pokemon or inflict a status on "Miltank" IconMiltank.

At the bottom of the slope, the main road will start to bend south-west. Around here, there’s a trainer walking to and fro.

Scientist Tyrone

Pokemon Level Type
"Archen" IconArchen 20 Rock/Flying
"Shieldon" IconShieldon 20 Rock/Steel

A pair of prehistoric Pokemon. There’s a reason they died out, but they are formidable opponents if underestimated. "Archen" IconArchen is weak to Steel, Rock, Water and Electric Pokemon. It’s strong, but after it falls below half HP, its offensive stats plummet.

"Shieldon" IconShieldon is a tank, but has a pretty bad Type combination. It takes 4x damage from Fighting or Ground moves and it’s weak to Water moves too. Many other Types work OK, so long as you’re not a Normal or Poison-type. It has Sturdy though so one hit KOs are out.

After teaching him a lesson or otherwise, head through the tall grass west from the slope. At the far end, you can pick up a useful Ultra Ball . Back on the main road, head directly south. You should find a friendly tourist in front of the entrance to the Fossil Restoration Centre.

Inside, you can speak to the man in front of the caravan to restore a Pokemon from a Pokemon Fossil. Right now, you don’t have any, but you can get some eventually from Konokoni City later on. For now, search the crate east from him for an Awakening .

Next, go between the traffic cones towards the back of the caravan. At the far end is an elusive Thunder Stone . You can use this to evolve "Pikachu" IconPikachu into "Raichu" IconRaichu or Eevee in "Jolteon" IconJolteon. For the former, note that Raichu won’t learn any more moves, except via TM or other means.

From the entrance to the Fossil Restoration Centre, keep on going south along the main road. After a while, you will finally reach the Pokemon Centre. There’s a bit more to explore yet, but you should head in first to heal your Pokemon, stock up on items etc.

Once you’re good to go, head west from the Pokemon Centre. Here, there’s another of those roadside motels. Practicing in the car park are a pair of… g-golfers?

Golfer Alan

Pokemon Level Type
"Rockruff" IconRockruff 20 Rock

Ah, the rock dog; Kukui has one of these and you may have one yourself. Like all Rock-type Pokemon, it’s weak to many types: Water, Grass, Ground, Fighting and Steel.

Golfer Maile

Pokemon Level Type
"Meowth" IconMeowth (Alolan) 20 Dark

It’s the Dark-type "Meowth" IconMeowth you can find roaming Alola. There’s nothing really special about it, so take it down with Bug, Fairy or Fighting Pokemon as you would normally.

Next, head for the west-most side of the motel area. Go and grab the Dive Ball sitting precariously by the far corner. Don’t try this at home, kids! If you’re bored, you can visit the motel building itself. The vending machine here sells Soda Pop in addition to Fresh Water, if you’re into that.

Also, chat to the guest for a hilarious experience. Anyway, moving on… head south-east from the motel entrance towards the dirt trail. If you continue east, you’ll return to Route 5, towards the upper half. Before going that way, head south at the fork.

If it’s the day, pick up the Zygarde Cell (26) below the rock. At the bottom of the slope, you’ll reach the rocky coast. Around here, if you look carefully, there’s a "Wimpod" IconWimpod ahead. As its name suggests, Wimpod are absolute wimps and run at the sight of trouble.

Fail to chase after a Wimpod and you’ll have to come back later.

Call "Tauros" IconTauros and charge straight at the Wimpod to try and outrun it. They move flippin’ fast, but you should catch them before they escape into their den. Successfully bump into one and you can try to catch it. Also, try to avoid doing too much damage or they’ll flee. Use a Quick Ball first.

From here, paddle west from the coast towards the small island. When you land, be careful as there’s a pair of trainers in the middle looking for a royal scrap.

Karate Family Samuel and Guy

Pokemon Level Type
"Machop" IconMachop 19 Fighting
"Machop" IconMachop 21 Fighting

Nothing to be scared of here. Just send out your Flying or Psychic-type Pokemon. Ghosts work well too. Otherwise, anything not weak to Fighting can probably survive the bout if you aim true.

Head into the sea to the south and paddle a short distance south-west. Around here is a Water Stone slumbering at the bottom. You can use this to evolve the following Water-types: "Poliwhirl" IconPoliwhirl, "Shellder" IconShellder and "Staryu" IconStaryu. Or give it to Eevee to evolve it into "Vaporeon" IconVaporeon.

Perhaps a bit longer than anticipated, but we’re done here. …That’s what we’d like you to believe, but don’t forget about the female Ace Trainer waiting by the Route 7 side entrance.

Ace Trainer Eileen

Pokemon Level Type
"Wingull" IconWingull 21 Water/Flying
"Fearow" IconFearow 22 Normal/Flying

"Wingull" IconWingull you should have encountered along the way to Kukui’s lab. Zap it with Electric-type moves as those moves do 4x damage. It’s pretty weak so most Pokemon should do OK, except those weak to Fire or Flying.

"Fearow" IconFearow is the evolved form of "Spearow" IconSpearow. It may be powered up, but still easily defeated by Rock or Electric-type Pokemon. Fearow is equipped with Flyium Z, so a Pokemon that resists Flying moves (like Rock or Electric) is preferable.

Survive Eileen’s skyward assault and you’ll earn TM58 Sky Drop .

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    11 December 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun

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Welcome to Alola, a region of tropical islands, filled with gorgeous natural beauty and Pokemon never seen before. Having recently moved to Alola, your journey begins soon afterwards. Your adventures will be filled with fascinating and colorful people with quirky island traditions and of course Pokémon. Delight in the mysteries of the brand new Alola region as your travels take you the length and breadth of the region and the secrets of the legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala are finally unveiled.

Our massive and comprehensive guide includes the following:

  • A full route and trial battle guide covering your journey from Pokémon novice to eventual Champion.

  • All dungeons and Rite of the Island challenges covered.

  • Detailed breeding and capture guide, including locations for every Pokémon as well as information on the new Alolan forms.

  • Gameplay strategies to maximise your team potential as well as details on Hyper Training.

  • Minigames and secrets uncovered.

  • An explanation of the brand new Rotom Pokédex and loads more!

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