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Pokémon: Sun & Moon

Pokemon 151 to 200

Vincent Lau
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Number Name Type How to Obtain
151 "Poliwrath" IconPoliwrath Water/Fighting Evolves from "Poliwhirl" IconPoliwhirl using a Water Stone.
152 "Politoed" IconPolitoed Water Evolves from "Poliwhirl" IconPoliwhirl when traded while holding a King’s Rock.
153 "Goldeen" IconGoldeen Water (Fishing) Brooklet Hill, Malie Garden.
154 "Seaking" IconSeaking Water Evolves from "Goldeen" IconGoldeen at Lv 34.
155 "Feebas" IconFeebas Water (Fishing) Brooklet Hill.
156 "Milotic" IconMilotic Water Evolves from "Feebas" IconFeebas when traded while holding a Prism Scale.
157 "Alomomola" IconAlomomola Water (Fishing) Brooklet Hill Trial Area.
158 "Fletchling" IconFletchling Normal/Flying Wela Volcano Park.
159 "Fletchinder" IconFletchinder Fire/Flying Evolves from "Fletchling" IconFletchling at Lv 17. Route 8.
160 "Talonflame" IconTalonflame Fire/Flying Evolves from "Fletchinder" IconFletchinder at Lv 35. Trade using "Bewear" IconBewear with Anga right outside the Battle Tree.
161 "Salandit" IconSalandit Poison/Fire Route 8, Wela Volcano Park.
162 "Salazzle" IconSalazzle Poison/Fire Evolves from "Salandit" IconSalandit at Lv 33. Female only.
Number Name Type How to Obtain
163 "Cubone" IconCubone Ground Wela Volcano Park.
164 "Marowak" IconMarowak* Fire/Ghost Evolves from "Cubone" IconCubone at Lv 28 at night.
165 "Kangaskhan" IconKangaskhan Normal Wela Volcano Park.
166 "Magby" IconMagby Fire Wela Volcano Park.
167 "Magmar" IconMagmar Fire Evolves from "Magby" IconMagby at Lv 30.
168 "Magmortar" IconMagmortar Fire Evolves from "Magmar" IconMagmar when traded holding a Magmarizer.
169 "Stufful" IconStufful Normal/Fighting Route 8, Akala Outskirts.
170 "Bewear" IconBewear Normal/Fighting Evolves from "Stufful" IconStufful at Lv 27. Poni Gauntlet.
171 "Bounsweet" IconBounsweet Grass Lush Jungle. Trade using "Lillipup" IconLillipup with Kihei in Route 5 Pokemon Center.
172 "Steenee" IconSteenee Grass Evolves from "Bounsweet" IconBounsweet at Lv 18. Trade using "Granbull" IconGranbull with Kumu in Seafolk Village.
173 "Tsareena" IconTsareena Grass Evolves from "Steenee" IconSteenee when leveled up with the move Stomp (Lv 29)
174 "Comfey" IconComfey Fairy Lush Jungle
175 "Pinsir" IconPinsir Bug Lush Jungle (north zone), Poni Grove
Number Name Type How to Obtain
176 "Oranguru" IconOranguru (Moon) Normal/Psychic Lush Jungle
177 "Passimian" IconPassimian (Sun) Fighting Lush Jungle
178 "Goomy" IconGoomy Dragon (SOS during rain) Route 17, Lush Jungle
179 "Sliggoo" IconSliggoo Dragon Evolves from "Goomy" IconGoomy at Lv 40. (SOS during rain) "Exeggutor" IconExeggutor Island.
180 "Goodra" IconGoodra Dragon Evolves from "Sliggoo" IconSliggoo at Lv 50 in the rain. Must be overworld rain, Rain Dance and Drizzle do not work.
181 "Castform" IconCastform Normal but changes type depending on the weather. (SOS during rain, sun or hail) Route 17, "Exeggutor" IconExeggutor Island, Haina Desert, Lush Jungle, Malie Garden, Mount Lanakila, Tapu Village.
182 "Wimpod" IconWimpod Bug/Water Route 8, Poni Breaker Coast, Poni Wilds (chase with "Tauros" IconTauros)
183 "Golisopod" IconGolisopod Bug/Water Evolves from "Wimpod" IconWimpod at Lv 30.
Number Name Type How to Obtain
184 "Staryu" IconStaryu Water (Fishing) Route 7, Hano Beach (buried in sand).
185 "Starmie" IconStarmie Water/Psychic Evolves from "Staryu" IconStaryu using a Water Stone.
186 "Sandygast" IconSandygast Ghost/Ground Hano Beach (buried in sand).
187 "Palossand" IconPalossand Ghost/Ground Evolves from "Sandygast" IconSandygast at Lv 42.
188 "Cranidos" IconCranidos (Sun) Rock Resurrect from Skull Fossil.
189 "Rampardos" IconRampardos (Sun) Rock Evolves from "Cranidos" IconCranidos at Lv 30.
190 "Shieldon" IconShieldon (Moon) Rock/Steel Resurrect from Armor Fossil.
191 "Bastiodon" IconBastiodon (Moon) Rock/Steel Evolves from "Shieldon" IconShieldon at Lv 30.
192 "Archen" IconArchen (Moon) Rock/Flying Resurrect from Plume Fossil.
193 "Archeops" IconArcheops (Moon) Rock/Flying Evolves from "Archen" IconArchen at Lv 37.
194 "Tirtouga" IconTirtouga (Sun) Water/Rock Resurrect from Cover Fossil.
195 "Carracosta" IconCarracosta (Sun) Water/Rock Evolves from "Tirtouga" IconTirtouga at Lv 37.
Number Name Type How to Obtain
196 "Phantump" IconPhantump Ghost/Grass Memorial Hill.
197 "Trevenant" IconTrevenant Ghost/Grass Evolves from "Phantump" IconPhantump when traded.
198 "Nosepass" IconNosepass Rock Akala Outskirts.
199 "Probopass" IconProbopass Rock/Steel Evolves from "Nosepass" IconNosepass after levelling up at Vast Poni Canyon
200 "Pyukumuku" IconPyukumuku Water (Surf) Route 7, Hano Beach.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    11 December 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun

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Welcome to Alola, a region of tropical islands, filled with gorgeous natural beauty and Pokemon never seen before. Having recently moved to Alola, your journey begins soon afterwards. Your adventures will be filled with fascinating and colorful people with quirky island traditions and of course Pokémon. Delight in the mysteries of the brand new Alola region as your travels take you the length and breadth of the region and the secrets of the legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala are finally unveiled.

Our massive and comprehensive guide includes the following:

  • A full route and trial battle guide covering your journey from Pokémon novice to eventual Champion.

  • All dungeons and Rite of the Island challenges covered.

  • Detailed breeding and capture guide, including locations for every Pokémon as well as information on the new Alolan forms.

  • Gameplay strategies to maximise your team potential as well as details on Hyper Training.

  • Minigames and secrets uncovered.

  • An explanation of the brand new Rotom Pokédex and loads more!

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