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Pokémon: Sun & Moon

Aether Paradise - Docks

Vincent Lau
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Aether Foundation’s employees are all on red alert.

Everybody saw this twist coming from a mile away, right? You’ll start off in the docks area, towards the far south-east corner. If you want to go back for whatever reason, just chat to the friendly Aether Foundation employee standing next to Gladion’s ferry.

Begin by heading in a north-westerly direction towards the middle area where the elevator shaft is. As you turn the corner, there’s an Aether Foundation employee patrolling ahead. You can actually skip all of the employees if you’re a ninja.

For the first employee, wait until he’s walked all the way up, then run past the corner and hide in the bottom-right corner. As he turns back to walk south, carefully head north while keeping to the east.

Aether Foundation Employee

Pokemon Level Type
"Dugtrio" IconDugtrio (Alolan) 37 Ground/Steel
"Sliggoo" IconSliggoo 37 Dragon

Alolan "Dugtrio" IconDugtrio is weak to Fire, Water, Ground and Fighting types. The former should of course beware of its Ground-type moves. It’s fairly speedy as well, so keep that in mind while devising a strategy.

"Sliggoo" IconSliggoo is the middle evolution of "Goomy" IconGoomy. Since it’s a pure Dragon-type, it’s weak to Fairy, Dragon and Ice-type moves. It has sky-high Special Defence, so whack it with physical moves even if they’re neutral towards Dragon.

The next employee is circling a pair of cargo crates separated by a distance. This one’s easy so long as you don’t rush ahead blindly from the first employee. Just wait until she’s walked towards the far east, head north towards while keeping to the west.

Aether Foundation Employee

Pokemon Level Type
"Herdier" IconHerdier 36 Normal
"Lumineon" IconLumineon 37 Water

"Herdier" IconHerdier is the middle evolution of "Lillipup" IconLillipup, the little dog found on Akala Island. It’s still weak to Fighting-types, although physical attackers should account for its Intimidate Ability.

"Lumineon" IconLumineon is not an "Eevee" IconEevee, but rather the evolved form of "Finneon" IconFinneon, a fairly common Water-type. Nothing really special about it, although it likes to use Aqua Ring to try and boost its terrible longevity.

The third employee is patrolling between the two row of crates north from here. Hide in front of the lone crate that’s jutting out and wait until she’s walked all the way up. Afterwards, run past the crate and hide in the bottom-left corner behind the crate.

When she starts walking south, that’s your cue to carefully head directly north from your hiding place.

Aether Foundation Employee

Pokemon Level Type
"Shelgon" IconShelgon 37 Dragon
"Trumbeak" IconTrumbeak 36 Normal/Flying

"Shelgon" IconShelgon is the middle evolution of "Bagon" IconBagon. In this shell-like state, it has high Defence, so surprise with special moves, especially Fairy, Dragon or Ice-type ones.

"Trumbeak" IconTrumbeak is nothing to be alarmed about. Just let your Electric, Rock or Ice-types show it a thing or two.

The final employee is patrolling the east side of the elevator in a L shape. Whenever he stops, he often looks in all directions, even backwards, so be extremely cautious. Just wait until he’s out of view and sneak towards the elevator as far from him as possible.

Aether Foundation Employee

Pokemon Level Type
"Parasect" IconParasect 36 Bug/Grass
"Drifblim" IconDrifblim 36 Ghost/Flying
"Vibrava" IconVibrava 37 Ground/Dragon

"Parasect" IconParasect takes 4x damage from Fire and Flying-types, which are common enough.

"Drifblim" IconDrifblim is the evolved form of "Drifloon" IconDrifloon. Its Types haven’t changed, so use Ghost, Dark, Electric, Rock or Ice-type moves to burst its balloon.

"Vibrava" IconVibrava is the middle evolution of "Trapinch" IconTrapinch. Having gained the Dragon-type, it’s now doubly weak to Ice-type moves. If you’ve got none of those, Dragon and Fairy-type moves work well too.

Before approaching the elevator, you can explore the rest of the docks if you’d like. To the west of the elevator shaft is another employee patrolling in a L-shape.

Aether Foundation Employee

Pokemon Level Type
"Primeape" IconPrimeape 38 Fighting

An evolved "Mankey" IconMankey. Psychic, Flying and Fairy-type moves will leave a sting, but Psychic-types should be cautious of "Primeape" IconPrimeape’s Dark-type moves.

From here, you can head south towards the south-west corner of the docks. If you tried to come here earlier, an employee was blocking access. Hmm, what could be beyond? After passing the corner, there’s an X Sp. Attack between the crates.

Before you get disappointed, continue further on. In the far corner, you can find TM06 Toxic . Toxic is a fiendish move that inflicts deadly poison, which gradually increases in damage with each passing turn. Safe to say, any Pokemon hit by Toxic won’t last long.

Once you’re ready to move on, approach the elevator where Gladion and Hau are waiting. You’ll be taken upstairs to the entrance area, where an arrogant Faba attempts to stop you.

Aether Branch Chief Faba

Pokemon Level Type
"Hypno" IconHypno 39 Psychic

An evolved "Drowzee" IconDrowzee, it has high Special Defence so stick to physical moves for an easy victory. As you might imagine, it likes to use Hypnosis to send your Pokemon to sleep. Afterwards, it can use Nightmare to reduce your Pokemon’s HP while they’re asleep.

Humiliate Faba and you’ll be granted access to the lab area.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    11 December 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun

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