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Pokémon: Sun & Moon

Trial 4 - Lush Jungle

Vincent Lau
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Many exotic Pokemon reside in this (mostly) undisturbed jungle.

Pokémon Encounters - Lush Jungle

Outside Areas

Name Types(s) Location (Encounter Rate)
"Caterpie" IconCaterpie Bug Grass in South area (10%)
"Metapod" IconMetapod Bug Grass in South area (10%)
"Bonsly" IconBonsly Rock Grass in South area (10%)
Name Types(s) Location (Encounter Rate)
"Bounsweet" IconBounsweet Grass Grass in West area (40%)
"Pinsir" IconPinsir Bug Grass in North area (10%)
"Trumbeak" IconTrumbeak Normal/Flying All grass (20%)
"Fomantis" IconFomantis Grass All grass (20% South/West, 30% North), Shaking tree in West area (100%)
"Paras" IconParas Bug/Grass All grass (20% South, 10% West, 30% North) (Day only)
"Morelull" IconMorelull Grass/Fairy All grass (20% South, 10% West, 30% North) (Night only)
"Comfey" IconComfey Fairy All grass (5%)
"Oranguru" IconOranguru (Moon only) Normal/Psychic All grass (5%)
"Passimian" IconPassimian (Sun only) Fighting All grass (5%)
"Butterfree" IconButterfree Bug/Flying (SOS only) Possible ally Pokemon for "Caterpie" IconCaterpie or "Metapod" IconMetapod
"Sudowoodo" IconSudowoodo Rock (SOS only) Possible ally Pokemon for "Bonsly" IconBonsly
"Happiny" IconHappiny Normal (SOS only) Possible ally Pokemon for "Bonsly" IconBonsly
Name Types(s) Location (Encounter Rate)
"Castform" IconCastform Normal (SOS during rain) Possible ally Pokemon for all Pokemon
"Goomy" IconGoomy Dragon (SOS during rain) Possible ally Pokemon for all Pokemon

Cave Area

Name Types(s) Location (Encounter Rate)
"Diglett" IconDiglett* Rock/Steel Everywhere (30%)
"Zubat" IconZubat Poison/Flying Everywhere (70%)

*** indicates Alolan form.**

Mallow is waiting just ahead. Go forward a few paces and she’ll quickly fill in you on the trial. True to her nature, you’ll be foraging through the jungle for 4 key ingredients: a Mago Berry, Tiny Mushroom, Revival Herb and Miracle Seed.

To prevent cheating, in case you have those items already (you probably do), you need to collect them in the Forage Bag that she gives you. Don’t worry about using it, because you’ll put the ingredients in automatically. As before the usual rules apply: no catching and no quitting!

Start by heading due west. Call "Stoutland" IconStoutland and have him sniff around towards the far west. In the corner, where the sun (or moon) is shining through, search to find mushrooms in the soil. Choose “Tiny Mushrooms”. You’ll be attacked by a wild "Parasect" IconParasect (Sun) or "Shiinotic" IconShiinotic (Moon).

Both are weak to Fire, Flying and Poison moves, while Shiinotic is especially weak to Poison moves. That’s one ingredient obtained; good job! Next, follow the path east from here north all the way to the end. In the next area, head west around the tall grass.

In the north-west corner is a Photo Spot if you’ve got the time to spare. Towards the south, you’ll hear shaking sounds coming from the west; how suspicious. Before going over, head east and search the south side of the grassy mound for an X. Sp. Attack .

Approach the shaking tree to the far west to be ambushed by a wild "Fomantis" IconFomantis. Give the Grass-type a taste of your Fire, Flying or Poison Pokemon to send it scurrying back into the jungle. Once it’s gone, continue on and search the far corner for a Mago Berry.

Two down, two more to go. Return to the main area via the east. Next, travel east through the row of tall grass to reach another dirt path. Step into the tall grass to the north-east and search the empty corner for a X Defense . Return to the dirt path and follow it down and east.

Stoutland will be working over time.

In the next area, continue east. You’ll come across a large breakable rock and another of those giant cube boulders. Navigate to the north-east side of the rock and search there for an X Attack . After that, call "Tauros" IconTauros and smash through the rocks to the south.

Towards the west, just before the exit, smash the small pile of rocks. Search the remains of the rock to find a Miracle Seed hiding underneath. Just one more ingredient left! Carry on west to exit. Back in the first area, leap over the ledge ahead. Grab the Big Root along the way.

After returning to the entrance, follow the path north and cut through the tall grass on the right once more. From here, follow the second path north. When you reach the light illuminating from above, turn left to find a Super Potion sitting cozily at the end of the narrow path.

In the final area, there are many areas in the tall grass that you can search, but most of them are red herrings. If you read the sign near the entrance, it tells you that Revival Herbs grow shorter than regular tall grass. So no sense searching the tall grass then.

Anyway, head west from the sign to start with. Search the right side of the nearby rock for a Heal Powder . After that, go back and head north-east from the sign. Search to the right of the sign for a hidden Hyper Potion . In the north-east corner is a mossy rock.

If you level up "Eevee" IconEevee around here, it will evolve into the Grass-type "Leafeon" IconLeafeon. Not a bad idea if you’re lacking a solid Grass-type. Next, make your way west. Towards the north-east corner, where there’s an empty patch, look carefully to the left.

Go up close to the gap in the tree and you can crawl through to the other side. Here, you can find TM86 Grass Knot , which you may have noticed earlier. Back on the other side, go south through the tall grass. Around here is a suspicious area of short grass surrounded by tall grass.

Search the middle of the short grass to find the Revival Herb. Even though you picked the correct spot, you’ll still get ambushed by a Fomantis, so don’t be surprised. After obtaining all four ingredients, Mallow will ask you to head back to the entrance.

Approach Mallow and everything will be ready in place to summon the Totem Pokemon. Before doing so, you should place your strongest Grass-type slayer at the front of your party.

Totem Pokemon

Pokemon Level Type
"Lurantis" IconLurantis 24 Grass

The evolved form of Fomantis. This imposing mantis receives a big Speed boost from its aura, so watch your step. It knows X Scissor, a strong Bug-type move, and can use Synthesis to restore health. It may use Solar Blade, a strong Grass-type move that requires a full turn to charge.

However, since "Lurantis" IconLurantis is holding a Power Herb, the first time it uses Solar Blade, it will skip the charging turn and go straight for the attack. Whenever Lurantis is alone, it may summon "Trumbeak" IconTrumbeak or "Castform" IconCastform to aid it. The latter is particularly dangerous as it can use Sunny Day.

When Sunny Day is up, Castform changes into a Fire-type. In addition, Sunny Day boosts the efficiency of Lurantis’s Synthesis and allow Lurantis to fire off Solar Blade instantly. To make matters worse, Lurantis can use Sunny Day itself.

If you go in blind, you’re liable to get beaten to a pulp. The easiest way to handle this battle is with a solid Fire-type Pokemon to take advantage of the increased Fire-type damage from Sunny Day. Other ways include fielding Pokemon that resist Grass and Bug moves.

Dual-type Pokemon whose Types include two from Fire, Flying, Steel or Poison are ideal, as they will take a quarter damage. Such Pokemon include "Salandit" IconSalandit (Fire/Poison) and the "Zubat" IconZubat line (Flying/Poison). Pokemon who are only one of those Types may work as well.

If the going gets tough, don’t forget to make use of the Firium Z from Kiawe’s trial. You can also use the battle items such as X Sp. Attack to buff your Pokemon’s stats and even the odds.

Survive the onslaught and you’ll receive Grassium Z , signalling the completion of the trial. You will also receive 10 Nest Balls from Mallow, which you can use to catch the Pokemon in the Lush Jungle or elsewhere. Afterwards, Kukui will come over to congratulate you as well.

You will receive TM67 Smart Strike from the Professor. From here, you’re ready to tackle the grand trial of Akala Island. But before that, the Professor has an interesting proposition and that’s to visit the Dimensional Research Lab in Heahea City.

Post-Trial Stress Relief

Catch those new Pokemon and fill your Pokedex pages!

While you’re here though, you should take the chance to scour the Lush Jungle for rare Grass-type (and other) Pokemon. Earlier the trial, you only encountered Pokemon that ambush you, but now you will find Pokemon wandering freely in the tall grass.

As Kukui said, Olivia is the Rock-type kahuna, so Grass-types would be useful to have, especially if you don’t have one already.

Dimensional Research Lab

If you haven’t been already, you can find it halfway along the main road of Heahea City. As soon as you’re ready, call "Charizard" IconCharizard and glide back to Heahea City, then follow the main road east. Don’t forget to charge with Tauros if you want to get them faster.

You’ll know you’ve found the right place when you spot Lillie just outside the entrance. Approach her and she’ll head on inside; follow her. Inside, go towards the elevator in the north-east corner. Inspect the elevator controls on the right to call the elevator. Select “3F” to go shooting up.

Upstairs, you’ll meet Professor Burnet. Whoa, another familiar face! For those unacquainted, she’s a character from Pokemon Dream Radar, a 3DS game that connects to Pokemon Black 2 and White 2. Hmm, they sure love their Unova connections, huh?

After the conversations are all over, you’re encourage to look around. If you want, you can check the bookshelves to learn about the dimension-bending Pokemon. In any case, you should chat to Lillie to learn more about her story. Once you’re talked to Lillie, head for the elevator to exit.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    11 December 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun

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Welcome to Alola, a region of tropical islands, filled with gorgeous natural beauty and Pokemon never seen before. Having recently moved to Alola, your journey begins soon afterwards. Your adventures will be filled with fascinating and colorful people with quirky island traditions and of course Pokémon. Delight in the mysteries of the brand new Alola region as your travels take you the length and breadth of the region and the secrets of the legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala are finally unveiled.

Our massive and comprehensive guide includes the following:

  • A full route and trial battle guide covering your journey from Pokémon novice to eventual Champion.

  • All dungeons and Rite of the Island challenges covered.

  • Detailed breeding and capture guide, including locations for every Pokémon as well as information on the new Alolan forms.

  • Gameplay strategies to maximise your team potential as well as details on Hyper Training.

  • Minigames and secrets uncovered.

  • An explanation of the brand new Rotom Pokédex and loads more!

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