The puzzle-loving girl can be found in the Stijl Bar and has a total of three requests for you. The first is for the Flying Takoyaki and the second is for the Terrifying Beings. The third, and final, one will involve you taking a picture of a cute cafe. She will actually give you a clue as to its location, but it’s a pretty vague one and you might be looking in the wrong spot. The Cute Cafe, as per the hint, is in southern Shofukucho.
The Cute Cafe is right next to Akame’s Hideout.
Where to Find the Cute Cafe Walkthrough¶
This is the final request from the puzzle-loving girl, who asks you to take a photo of a cute cafe, which seems simple enough. She mentions that the cafe has white chairs and tables out front, which is a big clue, as well as it being located in south Shofukucho. If you look at your map, you will see that Shofukucho is found towards the middle of it, so you might think to start looking around there. However, this is a little confusing, as looking around that area will ultimately lead to nothing at all.
If there are cafes around that area, then none of them will have the white chairs and tables in front. In fact, you probably passed the cafe with the major clue plenty of times and never gave it a notice. The cafe in question is located right by the entrance to Akame’s Hideout, towards the southeastern corner of the map. It’s not the little spot just down the stairs by there, but rather right across from the entrance to the hideout.
(1 of 2) The location of the Cute Cafe on the in-game map.
The location of the Cute Cafe on the in-game map. (left), You’ve probably passed this a lot and never really gave notice to it. (right)
So, head on over towards Akame’s Hideout and locate the white tables and chairs sitting out across from it. Open up your phone’s camera, get the designated shot in frame with the Take Photo prompt showing, then snap the picture. Of course, don’t forget that Kiryu will comment when you’ve done it correctly. Your reward will be 700 Akame Points and ¥20,000.
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