You will encounter all kinds of people in need of help in Like A Dragon Gaiden, in the form of Stroll n’ Patrol missions. These are all a part of the Akame Network and will usually reward you with points towards leveling up the network, as well as some money. One of these missions is called Chicken Chase and involves you finding four chickens. There are four of them to find, but the mission becomes easier once you realize that all of the chickens are located in the same building as the person who gives you the mission.
(1 of 2) Yotsudera Kaikan is located in the southwestern corner of the map.
Yotsudera Kaikan is located in the southwestern corner of the map. (left), He will be on the base floor, right in the one hallway. (right)
Where To Find the Chickens for Chicken Chase¶
You won’t be able to find this Stroll n’ Patrol mission until Chapter 3 of the main story. Once you’ve reached that point, head to the Yotsudera Kaikan building in the southwestern corner of Sotenbori. In the hallway on the base floor, you should see a man standing there, with the familiar exclamation point above his head. Speak to him to learn that his chickens seem to have escaped, four in total. Thankfully, you won’t have to scour the entire city to find them, as they haven’t really gone far. The chickens will have the eye icon over their head but won’t appear on the minimap/larger map.
The first chicken will be on the base floor, where the NPC that gave you the mission; just look right at the beginning of the hallway going north-south and it will be there. Just interact with it to send it back to the NPC. The second chicken will be on the second floor of the building, at the end of the middle hallway. For the third chicken, head up to the third floor of the building and look at the end of the hallway all the way to the north.
(1 of 4) The first chicken is in the adjacent hallway, by the person who gave you the mission.
The fourth chicken is found on the roof of the building. If you haven’t done the Golden Samurai missions yet, the final one will have him waiting for you on the roof. As soon as you exit onto the proper part of the roof, look to the right to find the chicken in the corner. Once you have all of them, return to the NPC who gave you the mission to receive ¥40,000 and 700 Akame Points.
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