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Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

All Status Effects in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

Scott Peers
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There are two basic categories of Status Effects in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - positive and negative. You’ll find that most positive status effects can be used by yourself or allies to empower each other, and you can also inflict most negative status effects against enemies. At the same time, most regular / elite enemies and bosses can inflict negative status effects on your character or your allies, and they can sometimes buff each other with positive status effects. We’ll detail what each one does on this page, and include icons for you to recognize them in combat.

All Positive and Negative Status Effects in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

If you’re wondering how you can tell whether you’ve applied or received one of the effects detailed below, you can check for this beneath your health and Spirit bar, as shown in the screenshot below. You’ll notice the icon pop up whenever you receive an effect, and disappear whenever it expires, or when it’s cured. You can cure (or dispel) some effects by using a positive effect from a specific elemental phase, all of which are noted in the descriptions where relevant.

You should also be aware that some negative effects which can be applied to enemies will be cured from them if they’re hit with an attack of a specific elemental phase. This is also noted where relevant, and it should be kept in mind as it may determine the type of weapon or spells that you use in specific fights.

(1 of 2) You can see a status effect shown for the player at the bottom of the screen, circled in red.

You can see a status effect shown for the player at the bottom of the screen, circled in red. (left), You’ll see status effects on enemies just below their health and Spirit bar, as shown here circled in red. (right)

Positive Status Effects

There’s a total of 38 positive status effects in Wo Long, but keep in mind that some of these provide essentially the same effect, with some differences in how they can be dispelled. For example, the regular Damage Reduction status effect will last for as long as its base duration (which itself isn’t consistent due to being dependent on how it’s applied), but the Damage Reduction - Toxin variant will have the vulnerability of being dispelled if you’re hit by a toxin-based attack.

Icon Name Description
Wolong_Absorption.jpg Absorption Restores HP when an attack deals damage to an enemy. Cured after getting hit by a Toxin attack.
Wolong_Anti_freeze_Soil.jpg Anti-freeze Soil Increases Ice Resistance.
WoLong_Anti_Static_Needle.jpg Anti-static Needle Increases Lightning resistance.
Wolong_Baihu_Resonation.jpg Baihu Resonation Applies Toxin damage to your weapon. Increases ailment accumulation dealt and Spirit gained from attacks.
Wolong_Baize_Resonation.jpg Baize Resonation Applies Ice damage to your weapon. Decreases HP damage taken and increases automatic Spirit recovery.
Wolong_Barrier.jpg Barrier Blocks a certain amount of damage. The amount of damage that can be blocked decreases over time. Cured after getting hit by a Lightning attack.
Wolong_Berserkers_Might.jpg Berserker’s Might Increases damage dealt to enemies, but also increases damage taken from enemies. Cured after getting hit by an ice attack.
Wolong_Chilvalrous_Heart.jpg Chivalrous Heart Increases Morale Rank.
Wolong_Daamge_Reduction.jpg Damage Reduction Decreases the damage taken from enemy attacks.
Wolong_Damage_Reduction_Toxin.jpg Damage Reduction - Toxin Decreases the damage taken from enemy attacks. Cured after getting hit by a Toxin attack.
WoLong_Detox_Jerky.jpg Detox Jerky Increases Toxin Resistance
Wolong_Encourage.jpg Encourage Encourages target. Encouraged target will choose tactics according to their Five Phases characteristics.
Wolong_Enhanced_Morale.jpg Enhanced Morale Increases Morale Rank.
WoLong_Flame_Enchantment.jpg Flame Enchantment Apply Flame damage to your current melee weapon. Cured after getting hit by an ice attack.
Wolong_Guardians_Ward.jpg Guardian’s Ward Decreases the damage taken from enemy attacks. Also prevents flinching unless the enemy’s attack is sufficiently powerful. Cured after getting hit by a Lightning attack.
Wolong_Haste.jpg Haste Increases movement speed. Cured after getting hit by a Stone attack.
WoLong_Heatproof.jpg Heatproof Ice Increases Flame resistance.
WoLong_Ice_Enchantment.jpg Ice Enchantment Apply Ice damage to your current melee weapon. Cured after getting hit by a Stone attack.
Wolong_Inner_Breath.jpg Inner Breath Increases Divine Beast Gauge accumulation. Cured after getting hit by a Toxin attack.
WoLong_Lightning_Enchantment.jpg Lightning Enchantment Apply Lightning Damage to your current melee weapon. Cured after getting hit by a Toxin attack.
Wolong_Lions_Roar.jpg Lion’s Roar Forces the enemy to lock on to you. Also reduces received damage from enemy attacks. Cured after getting hit by a Lightning attack.
WoLong_Oil_of_Awakening.jpg Oil of Awakening Increases Stone Resistance.
Wolong_Power_Gain.jpg Power Gain Increases attack damage dealt to enemies.
Wolong_Power_Gain_Ice.jpg Power Gain - Ice Increases attack damage dealt to enemies. Cured after getting hit by an Ice attack.
Wolong_Qilin_Resonation.jpg Qilin Resonation Applies Stone damage to your weapon. Decreases HP damage taken and increases automatic Spirit recovery.
Wolong_Qingling_Resonation.jpg Qinglong Resonation Applies Lightning damage to your weapon. Increases Spirit gained from attacks and decreases HP damage taken.
Wolong_Quakebound.jpg Quakebound Increases an enemy’s Stone accumulation upon deflecting. Cured after getting hit by a Lightning attack.
WoLong_Regeneration.jpg Regeneration Restores HP gradually.
WoLong_Regeneration_Toxin.jpg Regeneration - Toxin Restores HP gradually. Cured after getting hit by a Toxin attack.
Wolong_Rock_toughness.jpg Rock Toughness Reduces received Spirit damage from enemy attacks, and prevents your Morale Rank from decreasing when you are hit by an enemy’s Critical Blow once. Cured after getting hit by a Lightning attack.
Wolong_Sacred_Lotus.jpg Sacred Lotus Increases all Elemental resistances.
Wolong_Spirit_Fervor.jpg Spirit Fervor Increases Spirit gain from attacking.
Wolong_Spirit_Fervor_Toxin.jpg Spirit Fervor - Toxin Increases Spirit gain from attacking. Cured after getting hit by a Toxin attack.
WoLong_Stone_Enchantment.jpg Stone Enchantment Apply Stone damage to your current melee weapon. Cured after getting hit by a Lightning attack.
WoLong_Toxin_Enchantment.jpg Toxin Enchantment Apply Toxin damage to your current melee weapon. Cured after getting hit by a Flame attack.
Wolong_Unstoppable_Force.jpg Unstoppable Force Increases automatic recovery during Low Spirit and decreases automatic depletion during High Spirit. Cured after getting hit by a Toxin attack.
Wolong_Zephyr_Stance.jpg Zephyr’s Stance Reduces Spirit consumption when deflecting. Cured after getting hit by a Stone attack.
WoLong_Zhuque_Resonation.jpg Zhuque Resonation Applies Flame damage to your weapon. Increases HP damage and ailment accumulation dealt.

Negative Status Effects

There are 14 negative status effects in Wo Long, but you will need to pay attention to the color of the effect when you receive it. This will indicate whether it’s a Wood, Water, Metal, Earth, or Fire Phase effect, and you’ll know to use a positive effect of the correct phase to dispel (cure) the effect. You can often tell in advance based on the enemy that you’re fighting, since the element phase they’re wielding will often be obvious based on whether you see fire, water etc being used in their attacks. Most of these effects are applicable to the player, but you can also apply them to enemies so long as you have an appropriate weapon, martial art, or spell.

Icon Name Description
Wolong_Burns.jpg Burns A status effect inflicted when Flame accumulation reaches a certain amount. Reduces Ice resistance and gradually decreases HP. Can be cured by performing a dodge in water. Can be cured with a Water Phase positive effect.
Wolong_Chill.jpg Chill A status effect inflicted when Ice accumulation reaches a certain amount. Reduces Stone resistance and increases automatic Spirit depletion during High Spirit. Also prevents automatic Spirit recovery during Low Spirit. Can be cured with an Earth Phase positive effect.
Wolong_Damage_Amplification.jpg Damage Amplification Increases the damage taken from enemy attacks. Can be cured with a Fire Phase positive effect.
Wolong_Dazzled_Vision.jpg Dazzled Vision Hinders to victim’s ability to focus. For players, this effect prevents them from locking onto enemies. For non-players, it reduces the homing capabilities of their attacks. Can be cured with an Earth Phase positive effect.
Wolong_Heaviness.jpg Heaviness A status effect inflicted when Stone accumulation reaches a certain amount. Reduces Lightning resistance and increases Spirit damage received. Also decreases the amount of Spirit gained from attacking or deflecting. Can be cured with a Wood Phase positive effect.
Wolong_Overloaded.jpg Overloaded When your equipment weight exceeds 100%, you will become unable to deflect, and dodge and Martial Arts Spirit consumption will greatly increase.
Wolong_Poison.jpg Poison A status effect inflicted when Toxin accumulation reaches a certain amount. Reduces Flame resistance and gradually decreases HP and Spirit. Also prolongs the duration of any other negative effects. Can be cured with a Fire Phase positive effect.
Wolong_Power_Drop.jpg Power Drop Decreases the damage attacks deal to enemies. Can be cured with a Fire Phase positive effect.
Wolong_Shock.jpg Shock A status effect inflicted when Lightning accumulation reaches a certain amount. Reduces Toxin resistance and gradually decreases Spirit. Can be cured with a Metal Phase positive effect.
Wolong_slow.jpg Slow Decreases movement speed. Can be cured with positive effects depending on the type (indicated by color of icon)
Wolong_Spirit_Decay.jpg Spirit Decay Slows automatic Spirit recovery during Low Spirit. Can be cured with a Fire Phase positive effect.
Wolong_Spirit_Vulnerability.jpg Spirit Vulnerability Increases the amount of Spirit depleted by enemy attacks. Can be cured with a Fire Phase positive effect.
WoLong_Spirit_Wither.jpg Spirit Wither Gradually decreases Spirit.
Wolong_Taunted.jpg Taunted Forces locking on to a specific target. Can be cured with a Wood Phase positive effect.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Koei Tecmo
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    28 February 2023
  • Last Updated
    21 March 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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A dark fantasy set during the Three Kingdoms period. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is the follow-up game to the much acclaimed Nioh Series developed by Team Ninja. Wo Long promises to be more accessible than what Nioh was giving the players aid during the missions with the help of the Reinforcement companions system. This guide will cover everything you need to know about Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty including the following:

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