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Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

What is Morale Rank in Wo Long

Shane Williams
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Wo Long Fallen Dynasty launches Friday 3rd, March 2023. As you may already know if you played any of Team Ninja’s previous games, such as Nioh & Nioh 2, difficulty is one of the key aspects of the game. However, this time around a new system is in place that’s called the Morale System and it will increase / decrease the difficulty of the current mission. This page will navigate you through everything you need to know about the Morale Rank in Wo Long.

You can see your Fortitude Rank at the top right of the screen.

Everything You Need to Know About The Morale System in Wo Long

The Morale Rank is a level separate to your character’s level and it starts a 0 at the beginning of every mission. You can raise the Morale Rank to a max of 25 per mission and by doing so you’ll take less damage from enemies. Additionally, if your Morale Rank is higher than the enemy you’re facing then you’ll deal more damage. As you’re exploring the areas you’ll see the enemies morale rank above their head. There are three categories, Green, Yellow and Red.

Green means they’re most likely the same Morale Rank as you or lower, Yellow means they’re anywhere from 1-4 levels above you, and finally Red means they’re 5+ levels above which means it won’t be a walk in the park to defeat. However, for those that manage to pull off defeating an enemy with a red icon, then you’ll be greatly rewarded with more Morale Points and an increased drop rate of items. Additionally, if you’re trying to over level in preparation for the upcoming boss, then fighting enemies that are higher level then you is a great way to power level.

How To Increase Morale Rank in Wo Long

Your Morale Rank will gradually increase throughout the mission as you defeat enemies, offering Dragon Cure Pots to Vengeance Burial Flags and pulling off specific attacks, such as Martial Art Attacks, Fatal Attacks and Spirit Attacks. First and foremost you’ll want to avoid running past enemies as it’ll make the tougher enemies/bosses that you’ll come across a lot harder due to their Morale Rank being a lot higher than yours. As mentioned above this will allow them to deal a lot more damage to you and you’ll deal a lot less to them, so it’ll be a very difficult encounter.

(1 of 2) You can raise your Fortitude Rank by raising Battle Flags

You can raise your Fortitude Rank by raising Battle Flags (left), and interacting with Marking Flags. (right)

Whilst you’re busy defeating all the enemies you come across to build up Morale, be sure to make use of more powerful attacks, such as Martial Art Attacks, Fatal Attacks and Spirit Attacks, as this will cause the enemy to yield more. Martial Art Attacks are any of your Weapon Skills, Fatal Attacks are essentially backstabs and Spirit Attacks are done by deflecting. However, the same rules apply to the enemy, so if they hit you with a Critical Blow which is indicated by them gaining a red glow around them, you’ll lose some of the Morale you’ve gained.

What is Fortitude Rank in Wo Long

The Fortitude Rank acts as a safety net for your Morale Rank, as if you die you’re Morale Rank will not be able to drop any lower than your Fortitude, so for example if you are Fortitude Rank 12 and die multiple times, then your Morale Rank will not be able to drop below 12. Fortitude Rank works the same to Morale, as it will reset to 0 at the beginning of every new mission.

However, unlike Morale Rank you cannot raise the level of your Fortitude by defeating enemies, but instead you have to plant Battle Flags throughout the Marking Flags throughout the mission. Battle Flags are essentially the checkpoint of the mission, think Bonfires from Darks Souls or Shrines from Nioh. Marking Flags are smaller flags that are scattered around the map and will both raise your Fortitude Rank as well as replenish your health and remove status effects.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Koei Tecmo
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    28 February 2023
  • Last Updated
    21 March 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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A dark fantasy set during the Three Kingdoms period. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is the follow-up game to the much acclaimed Nioh Series developed by Team Ninja. Wo Long promises to be more accessible than what Nioh was giving the players aid during the missions with the help of the Reinforcement companions system. This guide will cover everything you need to know about Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty including the following:

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