Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty has had some build up since it was announced way back when. Team Ninjas has certainly played this one a bit differently too, allowing those who are keen to get involved a sneak peek at what’s in store with various Wo Long demos to play through.
Now, if you’ve had the chance to play these demos, you will likely have got to grips with the combat systems but did you know if you play through the final demo experience you’ll net yourself a reward?
This guide will teach you everything on this so you can be aware as to whether you need to complete this pre-release taste or if it’s not worth your time.
What Are The Wo Long Demo Rewards?¶
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Demo artwork
If you’ve managed to finish up the last Wo Long demo which tasks you to complete both teh first and second chapters of the full game, you will be eligible for a bonus when Wo Long officially releases.
This reward will be the Crouching Dragon Helmet, a piece of armour that is usually reserved for DLC owners.
We’re not sure at this time as to how powerful this helmet is, or what kind of defence stats it will net you, but if we were to guess, it’ll be better than your starter gear that’s for sure.
How To Get Wo Long Demo Rewards¶
If you did complete the final Wo Long demo and want to pick up your Crouching Dragon Helmet reward, there hasn’t been much shared by Team Ninja on how to get it.
However, through our experience with the game, it is safe to say that you won’t be able to pick it up right away. Instead, you’ll probably have to wait until you have completed the first chapter thus unlocking Deliveries.
This is where various DLC items are held so it makes complete sense that the Crouching Dragon Helmet will be sitting there also.
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