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Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

All Two Chivalrous Heroes Flag Locations in Wo Long

Matt Chard
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Two Chivalrous Heroes is the second mission in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. As you progress through the missions, you’ll learn about the Morale system and how it’s tied to the Flags of which there are two types, Marking Flags, and Battle Flags. Not only are these Flags tied to the Morale system, but they’re needed for 100 mission completion from which you’ll eventually unlock the Fly It High trophy/achievement. This page will show you where you can find all 12 Masking and Battle Flags in the Two Chivalrous Heroes.

Two Chivalrous Heroes is the second mission in Wo Long, and has twelve flags to find.

Battle Flag 1 Location

This Battle Flag is at the start of the mission, right in front of you. Impossible to miss.

At the start of the mission.

Battle Flag 2 Location

Follow the only path available to you until you reach the open area and take out the three enemies in the fields where you’ll get a cutscene, and the Reinforcement, Zhao Yun. Go through the open double doors in the north where you’ll get the Vengeance tutorial.

Continue up the path and defeat the enemy standing next to the post. Proceed onwards you’ll see three enemies next to each other with one of them being a Ranged Attacker. After you’ve dealt with the enemies, follow the winding path up and take the first right where you’ll find the second Battle Flag.

On the right near the top of the winding path, just after the three enemies next to each other.

Marking Flag 1 Location

Now that you have the second Battle Flag, continue up the path (the path opposite the Flag leads to a shortcut that you open later) and you’ll end up at a gate that you need to open. The first Marking Flag is on the platform above the door, but you’ll need to head forward first before you can reach it.

Make your way forward defeating any enemies that get in your way, and take a left before the burnt house on your left. Climb up the wall behind it, and jump onto the roof of the burnt house. Now jump the straw roof southwest of it, and then on to the platform to get the flag.

On the platform above the locked double doors. Use the houses in the next area to reach it.

Battle Flag 3 Location

Drop back on to the floor, and follow the path northwest towards the large tower where you’ll find the third Battle Flag. This flag is locked and will require you to defeat the nearby leader to unlock it. Note: At this stage of the game, this can be a difficult fight as you’ll be fighting against a 9 Morale aggressive spear user. The key to this battle is getting the timing of deflects down, and well, letting Zhao Yun take most of the beating.

In front of the large tower. Requires defeating the nearby Leader to unlock it.

Marking Flag 2 Location

From the last Battle Flag, head west (right if you’re looking at the tower) until you reach until you see a white painted wall to your left. This is where you’ll get the Ranged tutorial. Opposite it, there will be a small jumpable platform with a dog next to it. Jump on to the house behind it, and straight onto the house next to it where you’ll find a hole in the roof. Drop into the house to find the second Marking Flag. Unlock the door to exit.

In a house that can only be reached by dropping through the hole in the roof.

Battle Flag 4 Location

Head back to the small platform with the dog, and head up the path leading towards the burnt house on top of the cliff in the northwest to find Battle Flag 4. This is all the flags you can find in this area, so head back to the large tower with Battle Flag 3.

Next to the burnt house atop the cliff in the area with the large tower.

Marking Flag 3 Location

Go through the door in the tower and defeat the dog hiding to your left then follow the path around and jump up onto the path. Follow it some more, and you’ll end up in an area with a small platform and several enemies. Defeat them and continue up the path until you reach the area where the enemy kicks down a log down the hill at you. Defeat any enemies, and take the right path up the numerous jumping platforms while enemies throw firebombs at you. Overcome them and progress to the top to find the Marking Flag opposite the large tower.

At the top of the numerous platforms on the path to the right of the area with the rolling log.

Battle Flag 5 Location

Head back to the hill with the log getting kicked down, and progress on to the area with a large brazier at the back while an enemy starts throwing firebombs at you. Once you’ve defeated the nearby enemies, you’ll have a few ways to go. The left path will lead you to a shortcut (mentioned earlier), the archway at the back will progress the stage, and the path on your right will lead to a flag.

Take the right path, and climb the platforms until you reach the ledge then drop to the platform below. At the back of this area is a locked Battle Flag with a tough Leader guarding it, but before worrying about that, take out the three enemies on the platform above first. Now it’s time to defeat the Demonized Officer by the flag.

These have large weapons, and will usually perform a three-part attack (excluding Critical Blows) where they will swing their weapons wildly. Either deflect or avoid the attacks and get a few hits in when the combo is finished. These can one-shot you, so don’t be too aggressive against them, and let Zhao Yun be its focus. If you have the earth defense spell, use it.

In a room at the back reached by the numerous platforms to your right in the area where the large brazier is.

Battle Flag 6 Location

Now that you’ve cleared out this area, proceed through the archway behind the large brazier and follow the path until you reach the double doors. There is a boss behind the doors, but it’s the first of the two in this mission, so don’t worry about ending the mission prematurely. After you’ve dealt with the boss, head through the doors at the opposite end of the arena to find the Battle Flag.

Found through the doors after the first boss battle.

Battle Flag 7 Location

Follow the only path you can, and run past the Blacksmith until you reach the next open area. There are a few enemies around here, take them out and proceed up the stairs, and through the small tower to your right. The rest of the flags will be around this area, so head forward first where you’ll find the last Battle Flag. Once again this is locked, and once again the Leader is the Demonized Officer from before, but this time there are a lot of enemies around.

Your best bet is to try to lure the normal enemies back to the small tower to take them out in smaller numbers. Be careful not to go up the path on the left too far as an enemy will kick down another log at you. You can use this to deal damage to the enemies and the Leader, but if you get the timing wrong, you’ll have to fight about eight enemies including the leader. Once you’ve dealt with the myriad of enemies, and the leader, interact with the last Battle Flag.

Defeat the nearby Leader to unlock the flag. It’s to the right of the large building, just before the final mission boss.

Marking Flag 4 Location

The first of the two remaining Marking Flags can be found at the side of the large tower in the center of the area. Head back to the small tower, follow the path left of it (where the second log was kicked down), and follow it until the end while being careful of the numerous enemies on the way.

After you go through the small tower, follow the path east while avoiding the incoming log to find the Marking Flag next to the large building.

Marking Flag 5 Location

The final Marking Flag can be found southeast of the last Battle Flag. Head back to the flag, then rotate your camera southeast where you’ll see platforms leading up the left side of the rock face. Follow them to the top and kill the enemies there before attacking the white-painted wooden wall on the rock face. Follow the path to the bottom to find the final flag next to the red vine-like wall.

At the bottom of the platforms which are hidden behind the white-painted wooden wall near the last Battle Flag.

How to Find the Flags

A helpful tip if you happen to miss any flags is to go through the level with one eye kept on the Sense Qi Map (mini-map) in the top-right corner of the screen. At first, this may not seem helpful, but if you turn off the Sense Qi Map rotation it will make your life easier. You can do this by going to the System Menu (cog) > Game Setting > Page 2 > Show Sense Qi Map > Rotation Off.

You may be wondering why you’d want to do this, but it helps navigate where the flags are. See, the flags will show up on the Sense Qi Map, even if you don’t have them yet, then you can follow it on the map. You can tell what direction you’re facing by a faint gray line on the edge of the map.

(1 of 2) Turn off the rotation on the Sense Qi Map to make finding the flags easier.

Turn off the rotation on the Sense Qi Map to make finding the flags easier. (left), That way, the soft gray line above it will show you what direction you’re facing. (right)

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Koei Tecmo
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    28 February 2023
  • Last Updated
    21 March 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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A dark fantasy set during the Three Kingdoms period. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is the follow-up game to the much acclaimed Nioh Series developed by Team Ninja. Wo Long promises to be more accessible than what Nioh was giving the players aid during the missions with the help of the Reinforcement companions system. This guide will cover everything you need to know about Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty including the following:

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