Wo Long Fallen Dynasty launches Friday 3rd, March 2023. As you may already know if you played any of Team Ninja’s previous games, such as Nioh & Nioh 2, this game has introduced new systems to help you create builds that’ll easily defeat some of the tougher enemies. One of the features is called Embedment and this allows you to place a Special Effect on your weapon. This page will navigate you through the necessary steps to unlocking it!
Speak with the Blacksmith to find the Embedment Option.
When Do You Unlock Embedment¶
Before you can start using the Embedment feature you’ll need to progress through a decent portion of the story until you’ve completed the main mission “The Demon Fort of the Yellow Heaven” to unlock the Hidden Village which is the main hub of Wo Long that you can revisit throughout the game to upgrade Weapons/Armour, Respec and unlock Side Quests. You should reach this portion within 2-3 hours if you avoid doing any side stuff. Once you’ve made it to the Hidden Village head down the branch to the right of the Battle Flag to find the Merchant, Zhu Xia.
How To Use Embedment¶
Here you’ll be presented with 6 options, Upgrade, Embedment, Decorate, Salvage, Sell and Buy. Select Embedment and choose the weapon you’ll like to customize, then choose any of the free slots. The maximum amount of slots a piece of gear/weapon can have is 5 and it’s based on the star level of the equipment. However, you’ll notice that you’ll need Jewel Fragments to install a Special Effect. You can get Jewel Fragments by selecting the Salvage option and dismantling any old equipment.
(1 of 2) Select the weapon you want to customize
Select the weapon you want to customize (left), then pick the special effect you desire. (right)
There are a large pool of special effects to choose from, so you’ll want to carefully go through them and choose the correct ones for your weapons or playstyle. For example, if you’re someone that aims to use their Divine Spirit as often as possible, then any special effects related to Spirit will be the best option for you.
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