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Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! & Let's Go, Eevee!

Route 11

Vincent Lau
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Another wide, open route that makes it easy to catch new Pokémon pals.

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Type Location Chance (%)
"Raticate" IconRaticate Normal Tall grass 10
"Pidgeotto" IconPidgeotto Normal/Flying Tall grass 10
"Mr. Mime" IconMr. Mime Psychic/Fairy Tall grass 5
"Drowzee" IconDrowzee Psychic Tall grass 25
"Rattata" IconRattata Normal Tall grass 25
"Pidgey" IconPidgey Normal/Flying Tall grass 25
"Chansey" IconChansey Normal Tall grass Rare spawn

As you come from Vermillion City, there’s a tunnel entrance along the top. This leads to "Diglett" IconDiglett’s Cave, but you won’t be able to go through it right now. If you’re dying to catch a Diglett or "Dugtrio" IconDugtrio, you can loiter around near the beginning for one. Anyway, to the left of the tunnel entrance is a Coach Trainer straight off the bat.

Coach Trainer Will

Pokémon Level Type
"Rattata" IconRattata 21 Normal

Will probably has one of the scariest "Rattata" IconRattata, outside of the Master Trainer. Despite being a weak Pokémon, it’s fairly high Level and can use Super Fang to halve your HP and Quick Attack to try and attack first. Fighting-type moves are highly recommended.

Bash up Will good and he’ll hand you 5 Partner Candies. These can be given to your partner via the Candy Jar in the Bag menu to boost all of your partner’s stats. There’s no reason not to use them, unless you’re scared of being too overpowered!

From here, the route will greatly widen out. To ensure you don’t miss a thing, we suggest following a methodical path. This can be going around the route clock-wise or something. But since there’s no obstacles around, you could also zig-zag through the route, like what we’ll be doing!

Firstly, we’ll tackle the Youngster in the north-west corner.

Youngster Eddie

Pokémon Level Type
"Nidorino" IconNidorino 16 Poison

Eddie has an evolved Nidoran (male). It’s slightly stronger, but your Pokémon should be pretty strong themselves. Ground and Psychic-types are good here, but neutral Pokémon that you’ve trained well should be capable of holding their ground.

Next, we’ll head south, over to the south-west corner. Here, there’s a Sailor not far from his port of call.

Sailor Dirk

Pokémon Level Type
"Poliwag" IconPoliwag 18 Water
"Machop" IconMachop 18 Fighting

You recently beat the Water-type Gym, so a Water-type shouldn’t scare you, right? Do be wary of Hypnosis, which can send your Pokémon to dreamland. "Machop" IconMachop is slightly unexpected, but a good Flying, Psychic or Fairy-type can easily counter it.

After dealing with Dirk, run east and grab the Super Potion in-between two patches of grass. Then go north and get the Gentleman’s attention if that’s what you desire.

Gentleman Wilco

Pokémon Level Type
"Vulpix" IconVulpix 18 Fire

This poor guy has apparently never won–and that doesn’t look to be changing. His "Vulpix" IconVulpix is a Fire-type, so that means you should hit it with Water, Ground or Rock-type moves.

To the gentleman’s right, sitting above a patch of tall grass, is a Lure. Nobody else is going to pick it up, so you might as well. Nearby to the right and directly south are a pair of electricians. We’ll talk about the one to the south first, then the one on the right.

Engineer Braxton

Pokémon Level Type
"Voltorb" IconVoltorb 18 Electric

This should be good practice for the Electric-type Gym. Ground-types are strongly recommended as they’re both super-effective against Electric and take no damage from Electric. If you’re going to brute-force it, watch out for Light Screen, which halves special-based damage.

Engineer Bernie

Pokémon Level Type
"Magnemite" IconMagnemite 18 Electric/Steel
"Voltorb" IconVoltorb 18 Electric

This guy also has Electric-types. Both are weak to Ground and "Magnemite" IconMagnemite is also weak to Fire and Fighting. If you’re not using a Ground-type for whatever reason, watch out as Magnemite has Thunder Wave, which causes paralysis. Assuming it can survive long enough to use it.

Moving on, align yourself so you’re standing halfway between the two Engineers, then head east. Near here, there’s an X Defense sandwiched between two patches of tall grass. After that, go north-east and challenge the trainer with the shiny forehead.

Gamer Hugo

Pokémon Level Type
"Diglett" IconDiglett 26 Ground

For those who didn’t experience the original games, these trainers used to be literal gamblers, but presumably it was painting a poor picture for kids, so they changed it. Anyway, they’re still gamblers at heart, because this Diglett knows Fissure, which has a 30% or so chance of landing a KO.

We strongly recommend using Flying-types since Fissure is a Ground-type move and thus unable to hit Flying-types. Plus Fissure is the only move this Diglett can use. If you’re using grounded Pokémon, just be extremely careful. Truth be told, we initially lost 2 Pokémon to this menace!

Continue north-east from the gamer so you can retrieve the Super Repel at the end of the northern path. Then go directly south to greet another Sailor.

Sailor Yasu

Pokémon Level Type
"Slowpoke" IconSlowpoke 18 Water/Psychic

Against this dopey creature, Electric or Dark-types are recommended. Grass-types are also super-effective, but most Grass-types are also Poison-types and "Slowpoke" IconSlowpoke can hit them for super-effective damage with Confusion. That said, it might be too slow to react.

From here, go over to the south-east corner. Just below the gatehouse, there’s a thin path you can enter, below the fence, where you can find 5 Great Balls. Then go around to the north-east corner and search the lone rock for a hidden Revive. Finally, go and battle the Lass watching over the gatehouse entrance.

Lass Tomoe

Pokémon Level Type
"Jigglypuff" IconJigglypuff 16 Normal/Fairy
"Nidorina" IconNidorina 16 Poison

"Jigglypuff" IconJigglypuff is susceptible to Poison-types. But any well-trained Pokémon can do the job. Just be careful of Sing, which can induce Sleep. "Nidorina" IconNidorina is an evolved Nidoran (female). Similar to its predecessor, Ground and Psychic-types are ideal. Rock-types should be cautious of Double Kick.

Past the Lass, you can reach the gatehouse that connects Route 11 with Route 12. If you go through the gatehouse, you can reach Route 12, but you can’t get very far because a giant "Snorlax" IconSnorlax is blocking the path. Instead, go up the stairs in the gatehouse. Up here, talk to the researcher and he’ll unlock the Judge function if you’ve caught 30+ species.

Your partner has perfect stats, so don’t worry! Traded and Gift Pokémon have high stats too.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    22 November 2018
  • Last Updated
    19 December 2020
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau

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Welcome to our strategy guide for Pokemon: Let’s Go!

  • A complete walkthrough with strategies to defeat all the Kanto Gym Leaders and conquer the Pokémon League.
  • Encounter tables for all the wild Pokémon, including the rare Pokémon with undisclosed habitats in the Pokédex.
  • Explanations of all the gameplay mechanics for both beginner trainers and Pokémon Masters.
  • Where to find all the Master Trainers and hidden battles after beating the game.
  • A handy mini-Pokédex containing the key details for all 153 obtainable Pokémon and where to find them.

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