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Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! & Let's Go, Eevee!

Master Trainer 001 to 025

Vincent Lau
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(1 of 5) 001 Bulbasaur - Route 4 (east): Halfway along the route.

Number Trainer Location
001 "Bulbasaur" IconBulbasaur Route 4 (east): Halfway along the route.
002 "Ivysaur" IconIvysaur Route 14: South-east corner.
003 "Venusaur" IconVenusaur Route 23: Outside exit of Victory Road, on Indigo Plateau side.
004 "Charmander" IconCharmander Celadon City: Penthouse atop Condominium (via back entrance).
005 "Charmeleon" IconCharmeleon Route 10 (south): South-west corner.

(1 of 5) 006 Charizard - Route 23: South of Indigo Plateau, towards the left.

Number Trainer Location
006 "Charizard" IconCharizard Route 23: South of Indigo Plateau, towards the left.
007 "Squirtle" IconSquirtle Route 12: Near Lavender Town entrance.
008 "Wartortle" IconWartortle Route 20: In the water towards the north, west from Seafoam Islands.
009 "Blastoise" IconBlastoise Route 20: South-east of Seafoam Islands.
010 "Caterpie" IconCaterpie Route 18: Near Fuchsia City.

(1 of 5) 011 Metapod - Route 11: North-east corner.

Number Trainer Location
011 "Metapod" IconMetapod Route 11: North-east corner.
012 "Butterfree" IconButterfree Route 2: Gatehouse near Pewter City.
013 "Weedle" IconWeedle Viridian Forest: To left of signpost opposite southern gatehouse.
014 "Kakuna" IconKakuna Route 13: Tall grass towards east.
015 "Beedrill" IconBeedrill Route 8: Enclosed area halfway across.

(1 of 5) 016 Pidgey - Route 2: On the left, near Viridian City.

Number Trainer Location
016 "Pidgey" IconPidgey Route 2: On the left, near Viridian City.
017 "Pidgeotto" IconPidgeotto Route 16: Towards north.
018 "Pidgeot" IconPidgeot Route 12: Northern gatehouse (upstairs).
019 "Rattata" IconRattata Route 10: Above the Pokémon Center.
020 "Raticate" IconRaticate Cerulean City: North-east house (one that was burgled).

(1 of 5) 021 Spearow - Pewter City: Right of entrance via Route 2.

Number Trainer Location
021 "Spearow" IconSpearow Pewter City: Right of entrance via Route 2.
022 "Fearow" IconFearow Route 18: Below gatehouse near Fuchsia City.
023 "Ekans" IconEkans Route 4 (east): On ledge above the tall grass.
024 "Arbok" IconArbok Rocket Hideout: Floor B1, in south-west room.
025 "Pikachu" IconPikachu Viridian Forest: To the right of northern gatehouse.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    22 November 2018
  • Last Updated
    19 December 2020
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau

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